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Hey there. This is my first book? Novel? I really don't know what to call it. It's really a journal, that's public I guess. I just hope you enjoy reading it, or at least can relate. I only write about my own experiences in the journal. I will try to give a new update each day, considering how short each entry is. Please comment!! I would like to hear from you! Also, please be nice, if you give me hate....I won't take it too kindly. So let's just make this a safe open place, no judgement or hate, okay? Anyway, I hope you benefit from reading this, to know that even if you are struggling, other people are too. We all have issues. And we all have things that our minds hold against us. So I hope this book/journal helps. Helps with what exactly? I have no idea. And keep in mind that I am doing my best here. I'm not a poet or professional here, so things probably won't sound the best. Okay, I'll let you get reading now. Enjoy!

-sierra ;)

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