four : faker, liar

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I tell lies.

I garantee that you tell them too.

We tell lies to hide.

To protect-


The things I used to never do.

I lie.

The things I used to never think.

I lie.

No one knows.

Still I lie.

I lie.

So people don't judge me.

I lie.

So people don't hate me.

I lie.

So that I can pretend that I am not disappointed in myself.

So I can pretend I'm perfect.

To pretend that I'm okay.

I lie.

While I keep smiling like nothing is wrong.

I lie.

My heart is breaking, but I-

lie, as if I couldn't be better.

I lie.

My life has no meaning.

I'm nothing but a faker, I'm nothing but a liar.

I live a lie, and I fake it as if someday I might-

make it.

I know I won't.

So I lie to the world.

I lie to myself.

I pretend to be someone I'm not.

I pretend that I am fine-

that I'm okay.

I'm not.

But I-

am nothing but a-

faker and a liar.


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