This Is Your Origin

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It was raining today as I was roaming the streets of Musutafu. Cars were speeding pass me when one car hit a puddle, making me soak and wet. "Damn idiots, well might as well find somewhere to sleep."
Looking around at my surroundings I found a dark alley way. As I strolled through I found a metal box that I could sleep in for the night. "Well, it's better than nothing." I took off my backpack and pulled out my (f/c) blanket and a small pillow to go with it. As I started to drift to sleep I started thinking about how I got here. Why did my life go so wrong?

10 years ago

When I was 5 my quirk first appeared. I was sitting in my kindergarten class when suddenly I felt sharp pains through out my body. I screamed in pain as everyone just watched, not knowing what to do.
Just as soon as the pain stopped I opened my eyes to see nothing but fear on everyones face. "Why does she look like that senpai?" One child asked our teacher. I slowly looked over towards the mirror hanging on the wall shocked at what I saw. I turned into a wolf, my body covered in a mixture of white and grey fur, my mouth and nose turned into a snout, I even had a nice fluffy tail. "SHES GOING TO HURT US!" One of my classmates yelled. I snapped my head in shock then stood up on my four paws.
"No it's not true, I won't hurt anyone." I told them but, my razor sharp teeth showed as I talked scaring everyone even more. "Monster." My eyes widen. Upon hearing that word, I ran out of the class not knowing where to go. Mama. Papa. Why did you have to leave me alone like that? Did you guys go through the same thing when you got your quirk? I thought as tears started to pour down my face as I began to cry. I was so in my thoughts that I didn't realize I shifted into my human form. I looked around, seeing that I was in an abandoned building with cracks and holes littering the ceiling and floors. "For now on, I am alone."

Present Day

Thinking back, I didn't even know my parents. When I was young, they died in a villian attack. The only thing I have is my golden, heart-shaped locket with their pictures in it.
Holding on to my locket, I started to close my eyes when all of a sudden I heard a loud scream. "I should go check it out." Because of my wolf quirk I have a strong sense of smell and hearing even in my human form. I sniffed the air to find their scents to follow. However as I smelled the air something stranged caught my attention.
Slowly stalking up to where the smell was, I hid behind some garbage cans listening to what was going on. "I am terribly sorry sir, but I don't have any cash on me." One voice said. I looked over one of the trash cans to see a white mouse, bear looking creature being blocked in by a large man. "Well you better have something on you or else this won't end so kindly." Judging by the sound of his voice the man seemed drunk. I was about to walk away when I caught a glimpse of something shiny in my eye. This man has a knife.
What should I do if I run up to him theres a chance that I could get stabbed but, if I don't that little guy could die. This doesn't even have nothing to do with me why should I get involved?


I was walking down the street when an interview of All Might came on the giant screen. "All Might, what do you have to say to the next generation of heroes?" The interviewer asked All might. I was about to walk away when All might said something that caught my attention. "You get your quirk from your parents however, it is what you do with it that will set you apart. It doesn't matter what quirk you have. If you have good intentions, a strong morale, and the determination to save the lives of thoughs in need, then I have no doubt that you can become a hero!"
Everyone around me cheered for what All Might had to say. I looked down into a puddle, staring at my reflection repeating his words in my mind "A hero" I whispered to myself.


My body moved before I could even think. I quickly shifted into my wolf form and grabbed the mans arm that was holding the knife. If I let go now he could kill me and the mouse guy. I held on with all my might refusing to let go. I could taste the blood as my teeth sunked into his flesh. "Ay, what the hell! YOU DAMN MUTT!" Right before the drunk man could hit my head with his other fist, a white scarf wrapped around his hand. "Principal Nezu, are you ok?" The new man said as he emerged from the shadows. "Ah Mr. Aizawa, thank you for your assistance" the mouse said. I just looked at them still with blood coming out my mouth scared that they might be feared by me for how I look I began to run away. Before I could escape my quirk turned off and I was back into my human form. The sudden transformation caused me to slip and land on my face. What the hell I didn't shift back on my own.
"Excuse me ma'am." I looked back to see the two men standing right behind me. "Can we get your name." I looked into the little creatures beady eyes and turned around. "It's (y/n)." I said with a monotone voice. "Hey kid how old are you?" The man with the scarf questioned. "I'm 16." Right when I was about to turn back around to walk away the larger man spoke again. "Aren't you a little young to be out here of all places, alone?"  What does this man want with me? Why does he keep keep asking questions. "I'm on my own, I don't have a home." Both of them looked at me in shock.

Aizawa POV

So she lives on the streets alone. Hmm for someone who lives on the streets she doesn't look malnourish she actually looks like she's strong too. Maybe she trained to defend herself. If I know the principal well enough, I know exactly what he is thinking.

(Y/n) POV

"Well, Miss (y/n) do you want to become a hero?" The mouse looked at me with a smile as I looked at him in shock by his question. A hero. I looked back at him still processing the question. I barely know this guy and he's asking me this, what is he up to? How can he make me into a hero? As if reading my thoughts he answered my questions. "I am the principal of UA High School, Principal Nezu and this here is one of the teachers for the hero course Mr. Aizawa also known as EraserHead. I want you to join our hero course." I looked at him in even more shock. "UA Highs...hero coures." I whispered just loud enough for the three of us to hear. "Now of course we need to have you take some test to see where you're at academically and for your living situation we can have you lives in our new dorm rooms. What do you say Miss (y/n)." All Might's speech played back into my mind. I can become a hero and prove everyone wrong that I'm not a monster. With this new found confidence I stared at Mr. Aizawa and Principal Nezu and accepted their offer. "Great you will be in class 1-a. Now lets go to the school grounds and introduce you to the rest of your classmates." Principal Nezu said with a smile as they both turned around for me to follow.
This is it, I am part of the hero world. This is my beginning. This is my origin.

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