Work Study

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"Its seems like your full of energy this morning Miss (y/n)." I nodded my head giving her a bright smile. Recovery Girl came in this morning while me and Bakugo continued talking. He's actually not bad to talk to. Bakugo is a really interesting. I learned that he like spicy foods and hiking. Maybe I can make him spicy curry as a way to say thank you for staying with me. Recovery Girl told Bakugo that he can leave so she can do a quick check up on me. "I'm feeling much better after I got some rest."
"Well that's good to her. Oh by the way, before you go trying at that new form of yours I want you to gain some more stamina and muscle. Not only does the shift itself takes away most of your energy but it also put a slight strain on your body." I nodded my head to what Recovery Girl had to say. She's right I need to prepare my body in order for that form to useful. "Since your all better, you're free to go now." Recovery Girl gave me a smile before waving me off. "Oh..right, thank you for your care." I jumped off the bed after saying my goodbyes to the nice lady. Walking back to the dorms I turned one of the corners seeing Bakugo there waiting for me. "Hey Bakugo I see your still her." I walked up to him tapping his shoulder. "Wanna walk back to the dorms together?" I asked with a smile. "That's why I waited for you if the first place. Also our teachers asked me to give this to you, it's our classwork from today." I took the papers from him amd stuffed in my bag so I can do them when we get back. "Ok then lets go!"

Bakugo POV

Me and (y/n) walked back to the dorms side by side talking about random things. I actually like talking to her. It makes me feel calm and she's so trusting that I feel like I can tell her anything. She's not annoying like everyone else either. "Hey Bakugo, can I do some training with you?" I almost tripped over my feet hearing her question. Stopping in our tracks we looked at each other. Her (e/c) caught my attention. I felt like I could look at them all day. Why the hell do I feel this way? "What you need to train with me for?"

(Y/n) POV

I was almost lost in his eyes. The crimson color stuck to me like glue and was drawing me in. "What you need to train with me for?" His voice dragged me out of my thoughts. Shaking my head I refocused my mind on our conversation. "Umm yy..ou see..." Great (y/n) your stuttering. "Recover Girl said before I turn into that form again I need to build up some muscle and stamina... And since you a good fighter I thought and that were friends now... I figured you could help me out." I rubbed the back of my neck feeling slightly embarrassed from my stuttering. "Sure, it's fine with me. You just better keep up." I look over at Bakugo seeing a soft look on his face. I smiled at him, he can be a nice guy once your use to his yelling. Walking over to him, my arms wrapped my arms around his waist. "Thanks sooo much Bakugo!" His arms soon after rested on my shoulders. "Katsuki." He whispered just for me to hear. Noticing my confused looked he finish what he had to say. "You can just call me Katsuki." My cheeks began to heat up by his actions. I've never felt this way about someone. Why do I feel this way?
After our conversation, we made our way to the dorms. When we entered through the door everyone was getting ready to eat dinner. "(Y/n)! Your ok!" Mina came running up to me wrapping her arms around me."We were about you after you passed out. I thought it was something serious!" Mina then fake sob into my shirt. "Jeez, you make it seem like I just came back from war." I heard Bakugo snickered at my comment. Looking at him, pleading for assistance, He just shrugged his shoulders and walked to one of the tables." So much for that. "Looks like Bakugo is playing a villain again" Kaminari laughed with Mineta tagging along behind him. "As I thought Bakugo is a sadist." The comment made everyone choke on their food. "Shut you damn idiots. She asked me to go all out and I did." A tick mark formed on Bakugo's forehead. I let out a small laugh along with everyone else enjoying the moment. "Oh (y/n) you're back and fully recovered I see." Turning around to Todoroki a gave him a smile."Yep! After some rest I feel as good as new!" Jumping in the air to show I'm all better. "One of my father's friends contacted me and said she would like to have you come to her agency for a work study." I looked at Todoroki with a blank look on my face not knowing what he's talking about. Noticing this he continued on. "A work study is like and internship to get experience out on the field." With a better understanding of what a work study is I got excited to be offered one. "Her hero name is Mirko she's is known as the bunny hero. After hearing about you from our teacher she decided to take you on." Everyone was shocked by what they just heard. "Wowww! She's the number 5 pro hero!" Uraraka shouted. "Hmm I never heard of her." Everyone gave me a deadpanned look. Wondering how I never heard of one of the top pro heroes. Sighing Todoroki continued on. "She wants for you to come down to a hotel that's in Hiroshima."

A/N: for all thoses who don't kno Mirko is the number 5 pro hero and he quirk is rabbit. She doesn't have an agency or associates with one in the spin off series team up missions she has Bakugo, Uraraka, and Deku meet her at a hotel. Hiroshima is her hometown.

"Tell her I would be happy to meet with her."

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