Katsuki Bakugo

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I felt nothing but anger for what the League of Villains did to my parent. What those bastards done was unforgivable. I was back in my unconscious watching as the beast within me destroyed everything in sight. I didn't fight back instead I let my rage take over. "Destroy..." I grited out of my teeth. I honestly felt like it was all over. The tears began to swell in my eyes as I thought about my parents. I remember all the nights I would sleep in their bed when I thought there were monsters hiding in the dark. The times when they took me to the park and played hide and seek. Every memory of my parents were full of happiness until it was all taken away. I clutched my kness closer to my chest hiding my face. The tears just spilled out uncontrollably. I never felt so lost before. "I want to give up." I whispered to myself. "If you give up you won't be able to see anyone again." I shot my head up at the sound of a women's voice. It was dark making it hard to see. When I turned my head to left I saw a figure standing behind me out the corner of my eye. Turning around fully I let my eyesight adjust to the environment around me. Then I could make out the details of the women. Once I got a better look at her, I felt my heart stop immediately recognizing her. "Ma-ma.." Before she could respond I ran over to my mom squeezing her tight. My mom chuckled at me and has she held me in a tight embrace. "I've been waiting to see you again." She told me as she wiped the tears off my face. Looking down at me she gave me a smile that could wash away anyones worries. "(Y/n) it's time for you to go back." With those words I let go of my mom and looked at her in shock of what she just said. "No! If I stay then I can finally be with you and papa! We can be a family again!" I know I sounded like a spoiled brat but I didn't want to live a life without them anymore. It's been so hard without my parents and I'm not ready to let go yet.

Katsuki POV

(Y/n)'s howls we're getting louder as I got colser. The sound of her voice leading the way. I'm still not sure how I'm going to bring her back to us but I know that no matter what, I have to find a way. While I was distracted. I felt something large hit my side, sending me flying into a near by building. Shit that hurts. When I stood back up the rubble slid off me and I got ready to fight. Looking ahead there was a nomu with a resemblance to (y/n)'s Berserk Mode. I knew it was her though. This one was bigger. Not wasting time I sent a massive explosion towards the creature for it to only dodge out of the way and let out a howl. The howl on this one was a lot louder then (y/n)'s. "What the hell is going on." The creature came at me again with the intent to kill. When he got closer he raised his arm up claws extended. The moment he swung his claws down I used my explosions to dodge to the right before he claws could cut me. There was movement to the side of me that was closing in fast so I used my explosions to jump up in the air to get away from it. While I was in the air I scanned the area and noticed that there were two of these creatures now. They must be the nomu Mr. Aizawa was talking about. Something in my stomach gave me a bad feeling about those two. If they are here the maybe (y/n) is nearby. I smiled to myself and licked my lips with the excitement of facing strong opponents. "Come on!" With that the two ran towards me getting ready to land hits on me. I held my arm out getting ready to pull the pin out of my gaunlet. I waited for them to get closer so that the blast can be more effective. Once they were close enough I pulled the pin out letting off a huge explosion right in front of them. When the smoke cleared they were both still stand there but were blown back from the blast. I knew I was running out of time. I needed to get to (y/n) but I was stuck here dealing with these two. Their strength was unbelievable, anyone else would have been dust with an explosion like that but here they are still standing and growling at me like it was nothing. At this point I was aggravated and running out of ideas. "Bakugo!" I looked over my shoulder to see Mr. Aizawa running to me. He stopped beside me in a fighting position looking at the nomu in front of us. "Listen Bakugo, those aren't just any nomu. According to one of Shigaraki's followers those nomu are made of the bodies of (y/n)'s parents." I was stunned by the news. What they done to her parents is unforgivable. "So (y/n) is rampaging around the city because she must of found out about her parents and went into her berserk mode." Mr. Aizawa nod his head at my statement agreeing with what I said. "I'll take care of these two. You need to hurry amd get to (y/n)." I didn't want to leave my teacher to fight those nomu alone but (y/n) was our top priority so I understand where he is coming from. Without arguing I nodded my head and ran down the alley next to us to where (y/n)'s howls could be heard.

(Y/n) POV

"Please let me be with you and dad." I begged my mom not wanting to be without them anymore. My mom stood there in silence waiting me to calm down. My tears were coming out of my eyes and rolled down my cheek hitting the floor. "(Y/n) I watched you grow up into an amazing young lady. You have so much going for you along with all the friends you made." My friends. I thought to myself. Everyone from class 1-a came into mind along with all the teachers who helped me along the way. When I first arrive into UA everyone was so kind to me and accepted me for who I am. I thought of all the good memories we shared together. The training, sleepovers, and us just being happy. "You don't need us anymore. You made a new family. One that will always cherish you and protect you from harm. Especially that Bakugo kid." The mention of his name made my heart skip a beat. Katsuki was strong, smart, and even if he didn't show it to any of our other classmates he was always caring about everyone especially of me. He is so prideful that it can get on my nerves but he would honestly be boring without it. I love him and I want to be with Katsuki again. I smiled to myself understanding where my mom was coming from. I felt her hands on my shoulders before she pulled me into a hug once more. "If you want to go to him you need to control your berserk mode first." That's right, while my consious is here with mom my physical body is rampaging around Osaka. I don't know how I'm going to gain control. "There is a way you can gain control." I looked up to my mom waiting for her to continue. "This transformation works on emotions. You went crazy when you found out about your father and I and let you're rage take over. Now you have to face all of your negative emotions." That's the same thing Katsuki told me awhile ago. I heard growling coming from behind me knowing what it was. I let go of my mom and turned around to face it with determination on my face. "This is where we say goodbye." My mom called to me. I nodded my head looking back over my shoulder smiling at her. "Thanks for everything mom." She smiled at me and began to slowly fade away. "I love you!" She called out before disappearing forever. "I love you too." I turned back around ready to face the challenge ahead. I grabbed my locket of my parents clutching it in fist. I let out a sigh and opened my eyes to my opponent. She let out a growl showing her fangs and claws at me. I let my own fangs and claws extended a long with my fluffy ears and tail. I'm ready to face all of my negative emotions and gain control. I'm coming back to you, Katsuki.

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