The Bunny Hero

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Bakugo POV

The night was coming to and end and everyone was getting ready to go off to their rooms. There's no way I'm letting her go to that work study by herself. I need to find Icyhot and to have a chat with him. I looked around for Icyhot finding him still eating his soba. "Hey Icyhot we need to have a talk." He stopped eating and and looked at my with his usual blank face. "What is it Bakugo?" Icyhot wiped the food of his mouth waiting for me to answer. "Listen I need a favor...Can you get me a work study with bunny girl?" This is stupid. Why do I care about what happens on her internship. "Can I ask what for?" The air got caught in my throat and it felt like I couldn't breathe. Standing there in silence not knowing what to say I could see Icyhot was thinking about something. What he said next made my heart stop. "Ok let me ask a different question then... You care about (y/n) and you're worried about her going alone. Aren't you?" I was at a lost for words. I didn't know what to say. It felt like that words were caught in my throat. This is the first time someone made me feel this way. "Bakugo..." Hearing my name I looked at Icyhot expecting him to mock me about this. "You know she's going to be with a pro hero, one of the top ones at that so I'm she will..." "I don't if she'll be with a pro hero. Anything can happen and I want to be there to help her out!" Cutting off Icyhot I waited for a response hoping he'll do me this one favor. "You didn't let me finish. I'll ask Mirko for you but I can't promise she'll say yes...I'll see what I can do."

A Few Days Later (y/n pov)

My first week of school was finally over. I made really great friends with everyone in class. Everybody is so unique in their own ways. It's never a boring moment with them. I especially got close to Katsuki he's like my best friend now. It's nice having someone to talk to about your problems. Sometimes Katsuki can be closed off. I just have to be patient with him. I know he can sometimes be misunderstood because of being an hothead but he's actually a good guy. "Hey idiot." Speak of the devil. "You know you could learn my name sometime." I rolled my eyes at him and crossed my arms over my chest. "I think idiot suits you better now lets go before we miss the train." Katsuki said that Mirko offered him to do his work study under her to because he got first place in the sports festival. So that means we get to do our work study together! This is great because we haven't had time to train together yet. Recovery Girl told Mr. Aizawa what I need to work on so for stamina he had me run laps with Tenya. Then after that it was strength training with Kirishima. My body hurts so bad at this point I rather get hit by a bus going at full speed. "Whatever Katsuki I'm coming, let my grab my bag." After grabbing my bag Katsuki and I left the campus heading to the train station. The silence between us was peaceful. When we got there we stood on the platform to wait for the train to arrive. "Are you excited?" Trying to spark up a conversation to get him to talk. "I guess. It would be nice to see the number 5 hero in action." He said while staring at his phone. At that moment our train came and we got on heading to our meeting place.
"I wonder why we're meeting in a hotel and not a hero agency." Me and Katsuki were waiting in the lodging area for Mirko to arrive. "You must be (y/n) and Bakugo right?!" We turned aroun to see none other then the bunny hero herself. "This place is just temporary I don't have a office. I've already rented you guys a room for the weekend so go on upstairs and get ready for patrol." Me and Katsuki stared at the hero with widden eyes. "Wait so your telling me we're sharing a room?!" I yelled out at causing everyone to stare at us. Mirko looked at us unfazed by my outburst. "You two seem responsible enough to share a room to be honest what you guys do in there is your business anyways. Plus I'm not paying for two rooms for one weekend, what can I saw I'm on a budget this month." A tick mark formed on my head and I could see Katsuki's cheeks slightly redden and a irritated look on his face out of the corner of my eye. "Well get hopping we have work to do." Mirko handed me and Katsuki our room keys and we went on the elevator to our room. I got their first so I went to open the door when I got into the room I stopped and stared at the unbelievable. "Hey (y/n) you gonna move out the way o.." Katsuki stopped mid sentence now seeing what I was looking at "What the hell, we have to share a bed too?!?!?" Katsuki and I said in unison. "Ugh I guess we can worry about that later right now we need to get change so I take the bathroom and you can take the room." With that, I walked over to the bathroom with my hero costume. Stupid bunny why they hell would she have share a bed to. No use complaining at least we have a room. To be honest I'd rather sleep here then at her house. That would be akward. Putting my katanas om my back I went to open the door to let myself out. "Hey Katsuki I'm fin..." Katsuki was standing there with his shirt off, a blank expression written on his face. "I'm soo sorry!!!" With that I slammed the door shut and I felt my cheeks heat up. I have to say Katsuki looks really good, hes really toned. Realizing what I just said my cheeks turned into a brighter red. "You can come out now." Katsuki's voice brought me back to reality. I opened the door to see him fully clothed in his hero costume. "Umm... Yy..eaa I'm ready!" Katsuki was completely calm even after the fact I saw him half naked. Why doesn't he look so freaked out about it. "Alright then lets head back to the lobby." Katsuki headed out the door almost leaving me behind "H..Hey wait me!"

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