We're Coming

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Katsuki POV

It's been a a week since (y/n) went missing. The police and the pro heroes are doing everything to find her, but so far...nothing. This is all my fault I shouldn't have left her alone. If I stayed by her side she would still be her right now. I was sitting in my room looking at the gift I got (y/n) that day. Where ever she is I hope shes ok. Lost in my thoughts I heard a knock from my door. "What is it?" Kirishima came into my room and shut the door behind him. "What do you want shitty hair?" I stared at him not really wanting to be bothered. "Look Bakugo I know how you feel about (y/n) so I thought you should now this." My lifted up my head interested in what Kirishima had to say and wait for him to continue. "I overheard the teachers talking about  (y/n). They said that the league of villains are behind it and they are planning to use her to destroy Osaka." I felt rage boil in body as I stood up and left the room with Kirishima trailing behind me everyone was in the common area as I went to the door to put my shoes on. "Bakugo what do you think you're doing?" I finished tying my shoes and turned around to see everyone looking at me. "I'm going after the league and im bringing (y/n) back!" Everyone had shock expression on their faces. "Are you crazy! You can't go against a group of villains!" Kirishima yelled while everyone was agreeing and telling me saying not to go "Everyone shut up!" All of my classmates were quiet waiting for me to answer them. The frustration caused me the clentch my fist and grit my teeth. Nothing was clear except for one thing. I want no I need (y/n) back. "I know what's it like to be kidnapped by villains. Whatever they're planning to do to her it's all my fault I should've stayed with her. If I did she would be her right now. I need (y/n) to come back. So don't try to stop me!" Everyone was quiet no knowing what else to say. I knew they all felt the same way. (Y/n) was one of those people that could bring everyone together and always saw the good in everyone. "That's why we coming to get you." I lifted my head up to see Mr. Aizawa leaning against the wall. "Before you ask yes I heard everything and I came to bring you with us on this mission." I didn't know what to say I never thought that Mr. Aizawa would bring me. "According to our intel they plan to use (y/n)'s berserk mode to destroy Osaka. We need you to snap her out of it." It took me sometime to process what he just said. How can I snap her out of it? "I would use my quirk to break her out of it but there's going to be Nomu along with (y/n) and I need to erase their quirks so the other pros can take of them." Mr. Aizawa walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Come on we're about to head to Osaka." With that Mr. Aizawa handed me the case with my hero suit and we left the dorms heading to the train station. I'm coming for you (y/n) just wait.

(Y/n) POV

"Let me the fuck out!" I screamed at the door to the room they had me in my arms were chained up. The metal was too strong for me to break out of. I missed everyone. Mina and her crazy schemes. Uraraka always greeting me in the mornings. Midoriya and his mumbling while he was thinking. But most of all I missed Katsuki. When I'm with him it just felt so right. It's hard to describe the feelings that I have for him but all I know is that I want to be with Katsuki. A few minutes went by and I heard the lock on the door click. When the door opened Shigaraki stood there leaning against the doorway with a smug look on his face. "Are you going to join us now?" If theres once thing good about Shigaraki is his determination to get what he wants. "Not a damn chance!" I was beyond angry and I could tell because my eyes were red with my claws and fangs extended out. I can't lose control if I do then he'll win. "Fine then. Compress bring her with us. There are some people who are dying to meet her." The magician looking guy from before came up to me. I tried my best to kick at him to get him to back away but my attempts were useless. With one touch I was sealed away in one of his balls unable to escape. When I was released I stood in a dark room with barely any light. "Where the hell am I?!" I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and turned around ready to fight. When the figures came closer I became week in the knees and dropped my hands down to my side. In front of stood two figures with features like when I'm in my berserk mode. "Remember when I said I knew where your parents are? Well... here they are!" Shigaraki exclaimed over an intercome system. "What is the meaning of this?!" I could hear the growl in my voice as I demand answers. "After we killed your parents we used their bodies to create nomu to do our bidding. They are very obedient dogs." There was no return at this point. I let the rage consume me as I screamed out in pain from transforming. I couldn't control myself anymore as my mind slipped into madness. "Destroy....kill."  I growled out from under my breath, finally fully transforming. Before I could do anything a large cage went over me locking me inside. "Lets go to Osaka. We have what we need."

Katsuki POV

I was sitting in a car with other pro heroes as we made our way to Osaka where (y/n) will be. I stared out the window as I thought back to our first training day together in the mountains. I just want to go back to having more memories like that with (y/n) but first I have save her. However I don't know how. "I can see the worry on your face." I turned my head to Mr. Aizawa sitting next to me. "I just don't know how to snap her out of her berserk mode." Mr. Aizawa seemed to take in consideration of my worries and that he understands where I'm coming from. "Trust me kid if I didn't think you could this you wouldn't be here right now. Trust yourself I know you can do it." I nodded my head and went back to staring out the window. As we got closer to Osaka I could see the smoke and fire coming from the city. Damn it we're too late. When we got to the edge of the city I jumped out the car and ran to go find (y/n). My only mission is to bring her back home no matter what. "I'm coming for you. Just hang one." Every where I went there were flames and smoke making it difficult to find (y/n). I needed a way to get to her and fast. As I was thinking of a plan, a loud howl came from behind me. The howl caused to turn around and start running towards it. I recognized the howl immediately from training it was (y/n) she sounded hurt and in pain. I used my explosions to move faster in order to reach her. I need to save (y/n).

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