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I slowly opened my eyes letting the light from the outside world brighten my consciousness. I stared up at the the plain white ceiling and looked around the room. The white walls, tile flooring, and the sounds of a monitor to the side of me.  A hospital? The feeling of something squeezing my hand caused me to look down to see Katsuki sleeping in a chair beside my bed. I slightly smiled at him remembering the events from before. "So you did come for me." I held out my hand and slowly stroke his fluffy hair causing Katsuki to stir in his sleep. Katsuki lifted his head up and wiped his eyes before looking at me. "About time you wake up." He said with a small smile. "At least I didn't get all beaten up." I clapped back at him with a smug look on my face. He raised his hand to me and flicked my forhead making me rub the pain away where he flicked it. "Whatever at least you're safe now." I forcefully punched his arm making him grit his teeth from it. Before he could hit me back a knock on the door stopped us. When the door opened a Doctor and Mr. Aizawa along with Principal Nezu walked in before shutting to door behind him. "It's nice to see you finally awake Miss (y/n)." Principal Nezu told me while climbing onto the foot of the bed sitting on edge. "You haven't suffered any injuries but you passed out from exhaustion. I'll release you today. However, you need to rest of the next day or two which means no physical training." The doctor turned his head to the side eyeing Mr. Aizawa telling him he was serious about the training before leaving. "(Y/n) we know about what happened to your parents." My heart stopped at Mr. Aizawa's words. I wanted to forget about what the League of villains did to them. "After the fight your parents physical bodies stopped fighting and were pronounced dead. Here." Mr. Aizawa handed me a paper with an address on it. "We decided to give your parents and proper burial and that address is where their buried." Principal Nezu spoke up. I just shook my head and clutch the paper in my hand crumbling it slightly. Mr. Aizawa and Principal Nezu left the room leaving me and Katsuki alone. It was quiet for a few minutes before I decided to break the silence. "Hey Katsuki, wanna come with me to their grave sight?" He didn't say anything but nod his head. Katsuki reached into his bag laying on the floor next to him and pulled out what seemed to be clothes. "I asked on of the girls if they could bring you some clothes for when you wake up." Katsuki handed me my clothes and got up to walk out of the room so I could change. "Thank you." I called out to him before he shut the door.

Time Skip

Me and Katsuki left the hospital and made our way to the grave site. The walk was a comfortable silence. The only sound to be heard were the birds chirping. When we got to the cemetery we followed the directions Mr. Aizawa gave us leading to their grave stones. The carvings on their head stones were of two wolves howling up at the moom. Beneath the picture were the words. "Two Brave Parents Who Fought To Protect Their Family." I smiled at the words but felt like something was missing. I extended one of my claws so that I could write on the head stones. "Love Will Always Guide You." The lesson my mother and father left behind for me will forever be in my  heart and I will never forget it. I felt a hand reach down to my shoulder in a comforting manner. Already knowing who it is I reached my hand up and placed it on top of his. "While I was rampaging the city I saw my mom." I felt tear swell my eyes as I thought back to my final moments with her. "She told me she was happy I found someone like you." Katsuki didn't say anything, instead he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and embraced me in a tight hug. When he laid his head down on my shoulders I laid mine on top of his and we sat there remembering everything that happened to us in the past few months. "I have something to give you." Katsuki let me go and reached down into his pockets trying to find something. When he found what he was looking for Katsuki told me to hold out my hand. I did what he said and he placed something with a cool feeling to it into my hand. When I looked down I saw the necklace from that store we went to before I was captured. "I'm not good at expressing myself but I am good at telling people what I want." Without hesitation Katsuki leaned in fast pressing his lips to mine. His lips were so soft as I leaned into the kiss. I felt like I was in a fantasy world and that none of this was real. When he pulled away it felt like something was missing inside of me and it made me really sad. "I want to be you (y/n)." Was all Katsuki said but his actions always spoke louder than his words. "I want to be with you too Katsuki." I took of my locket with my parents picture to it and put the locket on my new necklace before placing it around my neck letting it shine in the light. Katsuki put his forehead onto mine as the sun began to set behind us. No other words were needed. We knew from this day forward it was us against the world and that no matter what we'll be together.

The End

Authors Note

I just want to say thank you for all the support for my very first story! I didn't expect for it to get so many reads and I have you guys to thank and be grateful to. My next book is a Dabi x reader with a Kirishima x reader coming soon. Make sure to check it out! 🤗

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