Control the Beast

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Last night with the girls was so much fun! It was nice getting to know everyone better. Maybe one day we can all have a sleep over in the common area. By the time I woke up everyone was still asleep. Looking at the time I remembered that we had class today and decided that I should wake the girls up to start getting ready for the day. Being the little monster I am, I sneaked my way pass them careful to to wake them up just yet. When I got to the wall, I flicked on the light switch making the room shine bright. "Wake up you guys!" All the girls started to groan their way out from under the blankets. "Jeez turning the lights on? How cruel." Jirou tiredly spoke throwing a pillow at me. "Sorry ladies but it's time to get ready for school!" I laughed at their morning mood finding it amusing before everyone left to get ready for school. When everyone was gone I went to the the bathroom to brush my teeth and style my hair just the way I like it before throwing on my uniform. Making my way downstairs I noticed all the boys were there along with some of the girls eating breakfast. "Morning idiot." I turned around to see none other then a sleepy Katsuki rubbing his eyes. "I keep telling you I have a name you know." I said turning my head away, puffing out my cheeks, and crossing my arms over my chest. "And like I keep telling you, idiot suits you better." Still turned away I could hear Katsuki's footsteps slowly go by me. Out of no where, I felt a hand on the top of my head. I looked up in shock by Katsuki's action. It wasn't like him to just pat my head like that. His hand feels so warm. When Katsuki's hand pulled away I could still feel the lingering touch as if his hand was still there. "I need to talk to about something but not now. It can wait for another time." I never heard Katsuki sound so soft spoken sure there was the time when he comforted me after the Shigaraki incident but it's rare. I wonder what's on his mind.

Time Skip

The day went by so fast. Everything is the same as always. Finally we made it to my favorite class, hero training. Today, we are meeting in Gym Gamma to develop our quirks. Thinking about transforming into form makes me nervous. What happens if I lose control and hurt the people around me? I would never forgive myself. However I need to learn to face my fears and accept the fact that is apart of who I am. No point in hiding it. After changing into my hero costume the class and I proceeded to make our way to Gym Gamma. Waiting for us was Mr. Aizawa and the 1-b teacher Vlad King. "As you can see today we're going to training with class B so that we can stay and train longer." Mr. Aizawa spoke up with Vlad King following behind. "It's good to get a fresh pair of eyes to see how you can improve your quirks so with that out of the way lets get started." Everyone was excited to get to work with each other. I heard there was a bit of rivalry between the classes but everyone seems to be getting along great. Except for some blonde guy who keeps trying to prove that he is better then us. "(Y/n)." I turned around seeing Mr. Aizawa walking towards me. "Since Recovery Girl said your body is ready to handle that new form of yours, you're going to be practicing gaining control over it with me." This is what I was nervous about. At least with Mr. Aizawa he'll be watching over me in case I lose control and won't hurt anyone. Nodding my head I followed Mr. Aizawa to the far side of the gym away from everyone else. "Try transforming." Without second thoughts I focused on what made me shift in the first place. I started by remembering the events of my battle with Katsuki and the encounter with Shigaraki. With Katsuki I felt an extreme determination to win while with Shigaraki I felt nothing but hatred. I let the emotions fill up inside me until they were overflowing. When I felt that I was ready I opened my eyes to see nothing but a red space. "Where am I?" Looking around at my surroundings I notice a black figure standing with its back turned towards me. I could hear the uneasy breathing coming from the creature. "Hello?" Upon hearing my voice the creature's ears perked up and it slowly began to turn towards me. "Destroy.....everything." The creature growled out of it's mouth. Before I could say anything else the creature snarled its teeth at me before lunging at me as I yelled out a scream.

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