The Truth from the Past

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When I woke up I looked around at my surroundings. It was pitch black with only the moon light shinning down on me. "Where am I?" I stood up trying to find an exit but to no luck. Everywhere I ran, it was as if I was in an endless tunnel. "It's been awhile, you grew up well." I quickly spun to face the person behind me. As my eyes landed on him, I stood there in shock. "" He gave me a warm and welcoming smile. He held his arms out and I quickly ran to him. Feeling his arms wrapped around me it felt so familiar, like we hugged so many times before. "Where's Mama? Why did you guys leave me?" What's going on?" I felt my father pat my head and let out a sigh. "Listen (y/n), I dont have much time so I'm only going to say this once." I nodded my head and looked up at him. His face turned serious like he had something important to say. "You probably already know this but as you were fighting that kid a new transformation occured." My mind went of to the fight me and Bakugo had during class. "Your mother and I had the same transformation. You tranform when you're desperate to win." So that's how it happened I want to win so bad it caused a shift. "Even though this new form will help you in battle, if you don't have control over your emotions you can be a danger to enemy and friends." My eyes widen in shock upon his words. A my friends. I don't want to hurt any of them. "But you should be fine as long as you keep your emotions in check so it's not that big of a deal." My father waved off as if it was nothing, letting out a small laugh. "Papa...what happened... in the villain attack?" He looked down at me his face showing a hint of sadness now. "Well... the truth is... your mother and I were targeted for our quirks. I don't know how but the villain that attacked us took our quirks. Before he had us killed." I could feel my heart stop and dropped into my stomach. "What do you mean he took your quirk! There's no way someone has the power to do that! It's impossible!" I felt my head begin to hurt as I processed the information. "I know it sound impossible but thats what happened. Listen if that man was after our quirk then there's a chance he might go after you next." I looked up at my father hearing this, so I could be in danger too. "I want you to stay with your teachers in classmates just in case I'm right...and you need to learn to control your new form. You got lucky in that fight because your body wasn't ready to control it so you passed out as a result. But next time it might not be the same story." I put my head down thinking about his words of advice. While I was lost in my thoughts I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me squeezing me into a tight hug. "Your mother and I are so proud of you (y/n)." I could feel the tears in my eyes begin to swell up. When I looked down at my father I noticed that he was starting to fade away. "I have to go now sweetie. Make sure you stay safe, your mother worries about you." He then stood up and begin to walk away. "No! Wait! I still have so many questions. Don't leave me again!" My father stopped and turned towards me. By this time the tears I was trying to hold were now falling down my face as I stood there in agony. He gave me a small smile "We love you" was the last thing I heard before he completely disappeared.
When I woke up it was cold and dark. The only light that came in was from outside. I put my hand up to my cheek and felt the wet streaks that were going down my face. So it was a dream. I felt a stir on the side of my bed. Looking over I see the familiar ash blonde hair. "Bakugo?" He moved a little upon hearing his name but he still was fast asleep. I put my hand on his head feeling his hair. To my surprise it was actually pretty soft and fluffy. I hope he doesn't mind I just had to know what it felt like. To be honest it was bothering me. After a few minutes, I hear him begin to wake up. I pulled my hand back and watched as he yawned and stretched his arms out. "Oh so your awake."

Bakugo POV

I woke up feeling something pet my head. What the hell I'm not a dog! I opened my eyes to see (y/n) running her fingers through my hair. She seemed lost in thought. I guess since it feels good I'll let her do this for a few more minutes. After a few minutes I pretended to stir to make it seem like I was asleep. I felt her hand quickly move off my head. "Oh so your awake." I told her acting like I didn't care. "Um yeah, I've been awake for a few minutes." I opened my eyes to get a better look at her. She seem to have been crying. The light from outside made he tear stained face glow. "What's wrong with you?" I asked seeming a little concerned. "Oh this! It's nothing just a bad dream." She said seeming a little panicked. Yeah right I wasn't born yesterday. I decided to leave it at that. "You're not scared of me?" I shot my head at confused by her question. Why the hell would I be scared of you. Before I could answer she cut me off. "When my quirk first appeared I was sitting in class. Everyone was so scared that I was going to hurt them. One of my classmates even called me a monster." She had a sad look on her face as she remembered the first time her quirk appeared. Those guys must have been a bunch of weaklings if they got scared of her quirk. "I'll admit when your shifted into an actual werewolf I was shocked." I could see her clutch onto the bed sheets. "No matter what form you have you're still the same idiot. I have no reason to be scared of you. If I was I wouldn't be here right now" She snapped her head at me in shock by my words. When I wasn't paying attention i felt a pair of arms wrapped around my neck. I looked over to see (y/n) hugging me with her face buried in my chest. "Thank you." She whispered to me. I let out a sigh and gently wrapped my arms around her. "It's nothing. Now go back to bed. The old hag said you need to sleep." (Y/n) let go of my neck and got back into the bed. When she got comfortable she finally went back to sleep. I never felt this way about someone before. I gave myself a small smile before I drifted off to sleep.

League of Villains

"Master" the tv screen turned on addressing the the call. "What is it?" A man with hands all over his body looked over at the screen. "Do you remember that couple with the werewolf quirks that you took from years ago. The man behind the screen began to stir remembering exactly who he was talking about. "Yes why?" He began to ask. "Well my sources told me that they had a little pup and... She inherented her parents quirk." The man then held up a picture of (y/n) showing it to the man behind the screen. "Well done Shigaraki. Bring her to me we need her quirk to finish the nomu. I'm sure she wants to see her parents again." The man behind the screen gave a wicked smile. "As you wish, Master."

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