The Power of Love

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Me and the monster in front of me stood at a stand of waiting for the other to make the first move. "I can't stall any longer." Running towards the monster I extended my claws ready to strike. When I got closer I jumped into the air and brought my arms back. Before I could land a hit the monster slapped my out of the air sending me flying into the wall. Pain went threw my body as I made impact with the wall making me cough up blood. "You think you can fight away all of your negative emotions!" The creature growled at me as I stood up catching my balance by leaning against the wall. "I am your true feelings. The feeling you've hidden deep within your heart." I glared at the creature in front of me. "Im not giving up yet!" Faster I told myself. I need to be faster and stronger if I want to win. This time when I ran towards her I land a punch straight in her face. However, the creature only flew back a few feet and standing up again unfazed by my attack. "You're too weak to stand up to me." At this point I waa frustrated. Nothing I do seems to work. But I can't quit, I need to keep going. Not paying attention I felt my body slam into the ground beneath me. I scream out in pain from the force shoving me into the ground. "You let your guard down." I could feel her breathe hit my neck making my skin crawl in fear. "Do remember all those kids who laughed at you and feared you...calling you a monster. All those thugs on the street shaking you down for cash. No one batted an eye at you when you were alone on or in trouble." I tried my best not to give in bit everything she said is true. I can't deny it. "(Y/n)! Don't you dare give in to that bastard! You better be fighting in there before I beat your ass myself!" That voice. I know that voice. I looked up to see Katsuki fighting my berserk mode. He seem pretty beaten up. "This is my fault." I told myself if only I was strong enough Katsuki wouldn't have to fight trying to bring me back. "Your existence brought nothing but pain to others first your parents and now the one who you hold so dear." She's right I just hurt the ones that get too close to me thats why I was always alone. "I'm Katsuki."

Katsuki POV

I was beaten up pretty bad by (y/n)'s berserk mode and from before with her parents that were turned into nomu.  (Y/n) is still rampaging around the city center. It hurt me everytime I heard she cried out in pain. I tried to knock her out but she won't let me get anywhere near her. "Trust me kid if I didn't think you could do this you wouldn't be here right now. Trust yourself I know you can do it." Mr. Aizawa's words came back to me. He's right if I couldn't do it then I wouldn't be here. The muscles in my arms were strained from over using my quirk. It hurt like hell as I clutched onto my arms. I know that (y/n) is in there fighting back she's strong and doesn't give up easy. "(Y/n)! Don't you dare give in to that bastard! You better be fighting in there before I beat your ass myself!" After I called out to (y/n) she stopped amd looked at me. She recognized my voice. However it didn't last long, a few moment later she was destroying the city center howling out. I know what I have to do. "(Y/n) I know you can hear me! I need you to come back. Not just me but everyone is waiting for you back at UA. Soo... Come back with me!"

(Y/n) POV

"Katsuki..." I can hear him calling out to me. He needs me along with everyone else at UA. Him amd all the others are my new family. "I... need to go back... to them!" With all my strength I lifted the creature off me, sending it flying behind me. I turned around and stood there with my fist clenched to my side. "You're wrong I'm not alone anymore. All of my teachers, classmates, and Katsuki they're waiting for me to go home... Back to where I belong." I held my head up high, Katsuki's words giving me the strength to keep going. "Thank you Katsuki." I told myself. The creature seemed aggravated by my determination and growled out to me and charged, only I didn't move. I let her come to me. "You can't win!" She yelled out me. As she came closer I held my arms out waiting for her to come to me. When she was in my face I embraced her wrapping my arms aroumd her body and petting the dark silky fur. The creature stopped in her place and brought her raised hands down, not saying a word. "You have every right to be mad at the world for what they did. But you can never forget all the good people who came into our lives." I felt something wet hit my shoulders. Turning my head slightly I could see the she was actually crying her red eyes now a (e/c). While in my arms I began to feel her shrink and what was once fur now became skin. She walked back and smiled at me. It was like looking at my reflection, another version of me. "Thank you." Was all she said before she disappeared in side my body. A sense of relief washed over my body as I closed my eyes. Reopening them I could see everything. The fire amd destroyed buildings around me. I held my hands up seeing that I was still in my berserk mode but now, I can control it. "(Y/n)." Upon hearing my name I looked up seeing amd beaten up Katsuki clutching to his side. Without hesitation and ran to him wrapping my arms around his neck, squating down to his size. I felt myself began to shrink back into my human form. I felt Katsuki's arms wrap around my waist bring me closer to him. "You came back." He whispered while leaning his forehead on my shoulder. Before I could answer back Katsuki fell to ground dragging me with him. Now laying side my side I felt the darkness begin to over take my vision. I looked over at Katsuki to seem him unconscious but still breathing. I smiled to myself knowing he will be ok. Before I slipped into unconsciousness I grabber his hand holding it mine gently. "Lets go home after this." Then everything went black.

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