The Exam

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I walked into the arena to see it look just like a city with tall buildings and roads. They really have a budget for this!  I was running down the street then suddenly stopped. I think I just picked up on Eri's scent. I began to sniff around trying to pinpoint the scent. After a few whiffs of the air I was finally able to find Eri's trail. I shifted into my wolf form so I could run faster. After a few minutes of running I caught a glimpse of something shining in the distance. It must be Snipe, I need to throw him off. Just as I as I made a sharp turn a loud sound came from the ground. Turning around I noticed a bullet hole right where I was a few seconds ago. Great he has a gun. If I was any slowly he would've got me. I need to find a place to shelter from his bullets but still move in order to get to Eri.

In The Monitor Room

"(Y/n) is at a disadvantage against Snipe. With her quirk she would do better at close range. Snipe can keep her away with his guns." Izuku thought out loud. "Yea your right, I wonder what kind of strategy she would use." Tenya said while the other class kept watching. "Now, Now students there is nothing to worry about I didn't ask (y/n) to join the hero course because she saved my life." Principal Nezu spoke out still watching the monitors. "Wait a minute she saved you!" Everyone yelled in shock even some teacher were impressed. "Why yes I was getting robbed when (y/n) came out of nowhere and attack the person before he could hurt me with his knife." Everyone stood there in silence. "I invited her here because she has the the heart of a hero, even though she didn't know who I was and that her life would have been at risk if she jumped in, she still decided to save me." Everyone stared at the Principal speechless. "When she saved me I could tell she lived on the streets for a long time even so she knew how to take care of herself and judging by how she looked she was strong like she was training. So I've made a decision to let her into the school if I didn't she would most likely became a vigilante. She has strong instincts take a look." Everyone turned toward the screen and was shocked at what they saw. "What is she doing? Eri is in the other direction!" Mineta screamed out. "Thats exactly why shes running that way." Everyone turned to look at Todoroki as he closely watched (y/n) movements. Then Bakugo spoke up "She's leading his bullets away from Eri. Shes pretty smart."

Back To the Arena

I need to lead him away from Eri if I'm too close to her while he's shooting a stray bullet could hit her. Think (y/n) what can I do to get him to stop shooting. I finally came up with an idea I ran into a building and dashed up the stairs to the roof. I found you. Snipe was standing there a few building away. "Brave of you to come her so I couldn't hit Eri with my bullets. But now what will you do." Snipe began to aim his gun at me. I felt a hint of fear hit me as I stared into the barrel of the gun. I only have one shot I need to make it count. I took a deep breath and ran to the edge of the building getting ready to jump off. As I got right on the edge I jumped as high and far as I could. I saw Snipe ready to take aim at my leg. Just has i thought he's not going to inflict a deadly wound. Well this is gonna hurt. Just then I felt a sharp pain in my leg. He got me. I need to keep pushing. Ignore the pain I felt worse then this. Even though this is an exam there is a little girl I have to save. I landed on the roof right where he was. He looked at me in shock not expecting me to take a gunshot wound. When he was distracted I ran up to him dodging some of his bullets. Some of them hit me in my shoulder and arms. Before the exam Mr. Aizawa gave me handcuffs to put on Snipe to capture him. This is it my only shot. When I got close to him I slid on the ground and put one of handcuffs on him. The force of my sliding cause him to fall. I took the other end of the handcuffs and attached them to a pipe. After that I searched for anymore guns and threw them off the roof so he can't use them. Damn it, I'm in a lot of pain. I need to go save Eri now so I can get fixed up. "(y/n)" I turned around to see Snipe staring at me. "Your plan was reckless if I was a real villain you would've been dead. Remember no matter how bad you want to save someone, you can't save anyone if you can't move." I looked at Snipe in shock. I never thought of it that way. "Your right. Thank you for the insight. I will remember that for in the future." I bowed to him and ran to go get Eri.

Monitor Room (Bakugos POV)

"That girl is tough. I never would've thought of doing that." Shitty Hair said while the rest of the class nod in agreement. Tough isn't the word to describe it she ran straight into the bullets without any fear. She didn't think about her own life. That idiot could've died for real. However, it looks like I have a new rival. "Tch." I clicked my tongue. "Hey Bakugo what do you think of (y/n)?"  Everyone looked at back me and I put my head down and stared at the floor. "Shes an idiot putting her life in danger like that. She needs to fight smarter." With that I walked out. Even though her plan was dumb she could still fight even with wounds like that and walk of to save that girl. I grit my teeth in frustration "Damn idiot." As I was walking back to the dorm I passed by the gate where (y/n) walked out of. She was covered in blood but she still had a smile on her face talking to Eri. Eri then walked off to find Aizawa but as soon as Eri turned the corner (y/n) fell down on the ground. Shocked I ran up to her seeing that she was breathing heavy "Hey!.. You idiot! If you were hurt this bad why didn't you go find that old hag as soon as your exam was done!" She looked at me, with nothing but pain on her face it gave me a weird feeling seeing her like this. Just then I heard her low voice whispering something to me. "Because I didn't want Eri to worry." She told me before the old hag and the teachers came to patch her up and take her to the nurse office. "Idiot" I whispered to myself. I might as well go back to the dorm...I hope she's ok.

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