Training With Katsuki

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After the incident yesterday Mirko decided to let us go early since she has to go investigate. Last night I saw a different side of Katsuki. He was so caring. "Hey idiot let's go train. We still have permission to be off campus until the evening." I forgot all about that. I need to train my body and mind for my transformation. "Yea lets go!" Giving Katsuki a small smile he grabbed my hand and lead me away from the city. After a few minutes of walking we came upon a edge of town to see nothing but woods Katsuki let go of my hand and began to go on a trail up the mountain. "Come on I'll take you to my training spot." Following Katsuki up the mountain it was almost quiet and calming. The only thing that could be heard are the birds chirping. A few minutes of hiking up the mountains I noticed some of the trees have burn marks on them. We must be getting close to where Katsuki trained. "This is where I began training for the entrance exam for UA. No one comes up her so you don't need to hold back." Looking around I could see all the burn marks. "What kind of traing are we gonna do?" Katsuki was taking off his jacket when I look over to him. His muscles were well defined and you can tell he worked hard to get where he is. "Since you do physical training in class I thought it would be better to work on combat skills since you lack in a lot of areas." I thought that I was a pretty good fighter. I mean I held my own with him and Snipe. Katsuki walked over to a plactic bin the was by the tree and opened it. When Katsuki was done looking through the bin he pulled out two sets of leg and arm weights. Putting the lid back on Katsuki walked his way back to me handing me the weights. The weights were kind of heavy. It was hard to pick up arms and legs after putting them on. "If you train with these on it will build up your strength and speed. Once the weights start to feel lighter amd you take them off your hits will be faster and harder. So that's why he wants me to wear these. "Ohhh ok. Lets get started then!" Getting in my fighting postions I waited for Katsuki to make a move. I started to grow impatient as he stood there. Not wanting to wait anymore I made my move. Running towards him I brought my fist back aiming for his face. Before my fist could make contact with his face Katsuki stepped to the side letting me fall onto the ground. "Your movements are too predictable. Try being more creative." I got off the ground and  dusted the dirt off of me. "How do I suppose I do that?" I ask while crossing my arms. Katsuki looked to be in thought thinking about my question. "You're a wolf right, try using a more animalistic way of fighting." I couldn't figure out a what Katsuki meant by animalistic fighting. Seeing the confusion on my face Katsuki let out a sigh and proceeded to explain. "If you're attacked by an animal it's harder to defend yourself because they have a different way of thinking." When I think of an animal attack one thing comes to mind. That is to survive no matter what. "Ok. I'm ready to try again." Nothing but confidence came coursing through my body. Katsuki looked at me with a proud smirk on his face while getting into his fighting stance. Without hesitation Katsuki ran towards me ready to send out a blast towards me. Survive...NO MATTER WHAT!! Right when Katsuki was about to send an attack at I jumped in the air dodging his explosion. While I was in the air I flipped over landing the heel of my foot onto the back of Katsuki's head send him forward. Before he could fall he cought himself with his explosions. When I landed on the ground I looked back at Katsuki giving him a playful smirk. "How's that for unpredictable?" Katsuki chuckled himself and stood back up. "You learn fast. Lets keep going."

Time skip

Me and Katsuki we're training in the mountains for hours. Before we knew it the sun was begining to set. "We should stop for the day and head back to the campus." I could hear Katsuki panting from exhaustion as he spoke. "Yeah. Mr. Aizawa will kill us if we're late." I shivered at the thoughts of the punishment Mr. Aizawa would give us for coming late. I grabbed my water bottle for a drink and chugged the refreshing liquid down my throat. I felt something being placed on my head as I finished my drink. I put my head so I could see what was there. When I felt it I recognized it being on of Katsuki towels. "You still have a ways to go with your fighting. But you got better." I was taken back but his compliment. Katsuki wasn't the type to give praise other people. None the less, I smiled and thanked Katsuki for all he's done to help me train. Making our way down the mountain we talked about almost everything. I loved talking to Katsuki he is a great listener. Every once in awhile we have a disagreement but who doesn't. I had a great time today.

Time skip

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