Welcome To Your New Home

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"Now, Miss (y/n) before we bring you to the school we're going to take you shopping to grab some clothes and some things for your room. You already have things such as a bed and a desk with a lamp on it. We'll have another teacher give you your school uniform and gym clothes and you will take some test tomorrow." Wow already starting tomorrow they work fast.

Time skip

After I picked out some clothes and things for my room we went to the school grounds so I can move in.  I can't believe that I'm finally going start hero training. I wonder what everyone is like. "Welcome to the Hero Alliance Dorms, your room is on the forth floor next to Miss Ashido. It's a friday so everyone might still be up and hanging out in to common room. Me and Principal Nezu will make the announcement, you stay here till we call for you." Mr. Aizawa gave me my instructions in a tired voice. He gets straight to business. This might be an interesting class.

Aizawa POV

I walked into to housing with the principal following. All of the students were hanging out in the common room. "Ok everyone listen up." The class turned their heads towards me and the principal. "Principal Nezu and I have an announcement to make. Today..." "We will be having a new student joining you!" Principal Nezu yelled out cutting me off. Everyone started to turn around discussing on who the new student is. "A new student, I wonder what quirk they have." Midoriya muttered to himself. "I hope it's a girl we have too many boys in this class." Uraraka announced while the other girls nod in agreement. "Yesss! I hope it's a girl too." Kaminari and Mineta said in unisome causing the girls to give them glares. Just as I was about to say something the principal spoke up "Now I know everyone is excited for a new student so please treat her kindly." As soon as he finished I opened the door to let (y/n) know to come in. "Everyone this is (y/n)."

(Y/n) POV

As I walked into the room everyone was just staring at me. I shifted slightly looking around finally being able to speak up "Hi everyone. I'm (y/n). I look forward to training with you guys." Before anyone could say anything Mr.Aizawa coughed to get everyones attention "I know you guys have questions to ask her but first Ashido, shes going to be staying in the room next to yours and she'll need help moving stuff up to her room so I need you guys to help her set up. That is all." After that Mr. Aizawa walked out of the room leaving me with everyone else. You can't leave me in a room full of strangers! I was about to go upstairs to my room when everyone started to surround me. "Hi im Midoriya Izuku, it's nice to meet you!" A boy with curly green hair boy came up to my with a wide smile on his face. "Umm.. Nice to meet you" I told him returning the smile. "If you don't mind me asking, what kind of quirk do you have?" Izuku looked at me with sparkling eyes and a notebook in hand. Is he a stalker or something. "My quirk is called werewolf, it enhances my senses and give me a physical boost so I'm stronger and faster then normal. I can also change morph some aspects of my body into wolf features or I can tranform into a wolf completely." Izuku started muttering and writing things down into his notebook. What is wrong with this guy. He must really like to know about others quirks. "Wow (y/n), thats an impressive quirk you got. Do you mind showing us what your wolf form looks like." A guy with red spiky hair with sharp teeth asked me. I thought about this for a minute. What if they get scared seeing me as a wolf. I mean they're in the hero course so theu shouldn't. Right? Well they're going to see it eventually. "Ok I'll show you guys." Everyone cheered and jump up and down excited to see my wolf form. I started to think of my wolf then, I could slowly feel my bones shifting around. It doesn't hurt as bad as it does the first few times. Maybe I just got use to it. When I felt my bones stop moving I looked at everyone as they wore shocked and amazed faces. "Wow (y/n) that's soo cool!" A girl with pink cheeks yelled. "Yea that's amazing." "It must hurt when you shift right?" Everyone started asking questions and I gladly answered as we started putting the stuff in my room. I thanked everyone for helping me and closed the door ready to sleep. "Today was very interesting. I never thought I would end up here of all places. It's nice being with other people though, I like this feeling." I yawned ready for bed. "Mr. Aizawa said I have to wake up early for the test in the morning. I should probably go to bed." I went towards my bed a cuddled under my soft, warm (f/c) blanket. This is the first time I slept in a bed in a long time. Mama. Papa. I hope your smiling down on me knowing I'm in a safe place now.

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