The Full Moon Hero

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"Woah (y/n), I didn't think you could pull of a stunt like that! That was so manly!" Kirishima yelled as I entered the dorms. Everyone turned their heads towards me giving me compliments on my win against Snipe in the exam. "Yeah (y/n), who would of thought that you would've put yourself in harms way like that. Even just for an exam!" Uraraka complimented me. "Thanks guys... I'm honestly surprised it work myself. I thought if Snipe was able to shoot where I can't move anymore I would've been done for." I said with a small smile on my face. So this is what it feels like to have friends. I thought to myself, my smile slowly growing.
"Miss (y/n)." I turned around to see Mr. Aizawa handing me some paperwork. Hero Name and costume design? "Now that you're part of the hero course you need a hero name and a costume." Wow I never thought about a hero name before I wonder what I should go with? "Also I've already graded your written exam, even though someone of your background would usually fail you however manage to make it in the top ten of the class. I'm impressed." Mr. Aizawa told me in a his usually tired voice before walking off. Wow top ten. I thought while smiling to myself.
After talking to everyone I headed to my room so I can start thinking of a hero name and costume. Concerning my hero costume I should get something that's not tight or else it will be harder to move around when I shift. I should also get some kind of weapon just in case I can't shift anymore. I can't even think of a hero name. As I was walking through the hall I ran into something hard hitting my head. "Ow, who puts a wall in the middle of the hallway?" I said out loud while rubbing my forehead. "Hey idiot watch where you're going." This voice sounds familiar. I looked seeing none other then Bakugo.

Bakugo POV

I looked down to see the new girl sitting on the ground as she looked up at me. "Tch. What the hell got you so distracted you didn't even see me?" I asked her with an annoyed voice. Damn it not what I wanted to deal with right now I have training to do. "Umm.. I'm sorry Bakugo, I was trying to think of a hero name that I didn't watch where I was going." She then stood up dusting herself off about to walk away. I started to think about what Best Jeaniest told me while I was on my internship there. "Hey idiot." She paused in her tracks looking at me. "When you pick your hero name make sure it's something that represents you." I told her before walking away. "Umm thank you Bakugo." I heard her say before walking to the training grounds. Theres something about the way she makes me feel that pisses me off. She's so nice and friendly but she's strong and fearless too.

(Y/n) Pov

Something that represents me. I thought about the advice Bakugo told me as I went into my room. After changing into sleep clothes I went to my desk, turned on my lamp and stared at the papers in front of me. Just as I was fixing to give up. I looked out at the moon. It's so pretty. I thought to myself, remembering all the times I use to look at it living on the streets. The moon's light always guided me through the night. Wait that's it I found my hero name. I wrote down my hero name and finished up my drawing for my hero costume. I began to drift off to sleep then I let out a yawn. "Well I guess I should head to bed. I can't be late on my first day."

The next day

My alarm screamed at me to wake up. "Ugh great I have to get up before I'm late." Slamming my hand down on the dismiss button, I got up and begin to brush my teeth and style my (h/l) (h/c). After changing into my uniform and grabbing my bag I headed downstairs for breakfast. "Good morning everyone." I told everyone with a smile on my face. "Oh, good morning (y/n)." Midoriya said acknowledging my presents. "So (y/n) are you ready for your first day!" I turned around to see Mina. I smiled at her nodding my head.
Soon we began to walk toward out classes. I found out that I get along well with Mina she's really nice and funny. During lunch Mina introduced me to the rest of her group consisting of Kirishima, Kaminari, Hanta, and Bakugo. We were talking about our quicks and the teachers at the school. "Mr. Ectoplasm makes math so harddd. I wish he would lighten up on use." "Yeah even Momo struggles in that class." I listened to Kirishima and Kaminari complained. "I honestly can't wait to start hero training." I told to everyone. Yeah I wonder what were doing today." Hanta chipped in. "I heard it's going to be one on one battles." My ears perked up on this. I can't wait to see what everyones quirks are. Maybe I can learn some new moves watching them.

Hero Class

"Before we start (y/n), come up to board and tell everyone your hero name." Mr. Aizawa told me. "Do I have to tell everyone?" I asked not ready to tell everyone. "Everyone else had to do it so come on we don't have all day." I sighed and walked up towards the front of the class. When I got to the board I began to write my hero name on the board. When I was done I turned around to face the class. "I haven't had a home since I could remember, I don't even remember who my parents are other then the fact that they passed away." A sad look came on my face as I tried my best to remember my parents but nothing came to mind. "However every time I looked at the sky the moon was there lighting my way out of the dark...That is why I chosen to go by this name." I looked up at my class with a new found confidence shining in my eyes. "I am The Full Moon Hero: Night Howler." As I said my hero name to the class everyone cheered for me. "That name fits you so well!" Someone said. "Yeah so manly!" Kirishima yelled.
"Ok everyone calm down." Mr. Aizawa told the class. "It's time for some combat training. Today you'll be facing your weaknesses in some one on one battles. Go get into you hero costume amd meet me outside." He told us before walking away. "Yes Sir!" Everyone yelled out.

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