The Encounter

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"It's about time you two made it, come on we have some patrolling to do!" With that Katsuki, Mirko, and I left the hotel and began walking the streets of Hiroshima. It was broad daylight so I'm not expecting to many incidents. "When are we gonna fight some villains? Walking around is getting on my nervous." Mirko laughed at Katsuki's statement finding it amusing. "I like your style kid! That straight up intention to kill a villain is great! But you can't expect a villain to just come up to you." Katsuki gave Mirko an impatient look. I could tell that he was itching for a fight. After a few minutes of walking I heard something strange coming from the alley next to us. "Mirko, do you hear it to?" She stopped in her tracks and listened to what I was talking about. "Night Howler you think you can handle? It sounds like some small time villain. I'll let Bakugo handle the next one." Nodding my head agreeing to her order. I shifted into my wolf so I could sneak up on the person who might mistake me for a dog. One of the best disguises if I do say so myself. I walked slowly to wear the sound was coming from with the help of my sense of smell. That's weird I should of ran into them by now. "Nice to meet you
(y/n)." The voice caused a shiver to go down my spin. Shifting back into my human form leaving my snout and claws tranformed. So I look like a wolf person. "Whose there? How do you knoe my name?" I got into my fighting stance remainding on guard. Hearing the sound of foot steps coming behind me. "The names Shigaraki, we need to have a little talk." I heard of this guy before. Living on the streets you hear rumors about everyone. Especially villains. I need to be careful if I stall him long enough Mirko and Katsuki will back me up. "What business do you have with me?" I watched as he began to scratch his neck. The sound of his dry skin made me disgusted. "Tell me (y/n), do you want to see your parents?" He has some nerve bringing them up.

Bakugos POV

"Don't you think that idiot should of been back already?" I was starting to get worried about her, if this was some small villain she should've been back already. Something's not right. "Yeah you're she's taking her time isn't she?" Me and bunny girl stopped up ahead to grab something to eat while we wait for (y/n) to come back. It's already been 10 minutes since we last saw here. The sound of the bunny girl's phone snapped me out of my thoughts. "This is Mirko...wassup?" I figured the conversation had nothing to do with me. Instead I decided to continue eating my hot dog I got from the stand. "The league of villians? Why would they be here in Hiroshima....Yea I'll keep an eye out." With that bunny girl hung up the phone. "Come on we need to go check on Night Howler...Shigaraki been spotted in this area." She didn't have to tell me twice. After her conversation I was already going back to the alley where (y/n) was. Damn it! I knew I shouldn't have let her handle it alone!

Back in the Alley

"What are you talking about? My parents died a long time ago." The smile behind that hand on his face shook me to the core. "That's not true, I know where they are." I couldn't tell if I shoulf believe him or not. But hes a villain that uses lies and deception to get what he wants. There is a reason he's telling me this. I need to figure out what he wants. "You're lying!! My parents are dead! You don't know where they are because they're burried in the ground!" My anger was rising. I could hear growls escaping my voice with my fangs and claws growing larger. I need to calm down this isn't the time to lose control. "You can deny it all you want. But let me ask you something... On the news that day it was said no bodies so they assumed everyone was dead." The air was caught in my throat when he said those words. At this point I could feel myself go berserk. Glancing at the puddle below I could see my eyes where now a blood red like back when I fight Katsuki. " Think what you want but I'm telling the truth." Glaring Shigaraki in the eye I let out a small growl. "No need to be hasty, if you want to see them you should come join us. We could use that quirk of yours." "I will never work with the likes of you!" Shigaraki seemed taken back from my sudden out burst. "I tried play nice but looks like we have to fo this the hard way... Mr. Compress get her." Just then a magician with a mask came from shadows of the alley. "No problem boss." Mr. Compress launched at me with full force ready to attach. Before he could land a hit on me I dodged to the side and kicked his back sending the magician flying into some nearby trash cans. Shigaraki became agitated by this, scratching his dry skin even harder. "Looks like I have to do it myself." Damn it I forgot about him. I felt a hint of fear not knowing what to expect. Getting ready for a fight a blast from behind distracted me and Shigraki. Turing around I couldn't help but smile at who I saw. "You bastard!!" Katsuki came flying in over me from his blast and sent an explosion right to Shigaraki. "You have some nerve going after (y/n) like that." The smoked cleared from Katsuki's explosion leaving Shigaraki on the ground. "Katsuki you came!" I never felt more relieved in my life. I was lucky that he made it in time. "Of course I did what did you expect!" I could hear a hint of anger in his voice as he stared down at Shigaraki. "Try anything funny and I'll blow your hands up so bad, you won't be able to use your quirk ever again." Just as he said that Mirko jumped in seeing what was going on. "Well done Bakugo and Night Howler, looks like you guys found them." Mirko being her made me feel safe. I knew that if they decided to fight Mirko will be able to take them out no problem. "Kurogiri.." A purple and  black smoke came out of nowhere. "We better get going but we'll meet again soon (y/n)." Shigaraki and Mr. Comoress were swallowed by the smoke, disappearing before our eyes. "I better report this to the Hero Commission, you two head back to the hotel."

Time skip

Me and Bakugo made it back to the hotel without and incidents. Shigaraki's played over in my head I couldn't help but wonder why he would want me to join out with him. " ok? You've been quiet." When I look up at Katsuki, his face wore a mask of concern. "Yeah, I'm fine there's just a lot on my mind." He nodded his head in understanding before speaking. "We can talk about first lets take a shower it's been a long day. You can go first."
Letting the warm water hit my skin spread the relaxation around my body. I stared at the water letting my mind cloud with the events of the day. Letting out a sigh I turned of the water and dried the water off my skin with a towel. Not wanting to let Katsuki wait any longer I put on my tank top and shorts to sleep in and walked out the bathroom taking my hair brush with me. "I'm done in the bathroom Katsuki." He got up from the bed to make his way to the bathroom leaving me alone in the room. Brushing my (h/l) hair making sure I got all the knots out. I laid down on the bed turning the tv on to (favorite show). After a few minutes Katuski came out of the bathroom finishing up drying his hair. We wore some black sweatpants and and black tank top to go with it. Throwing his towel to the side he walked over to the bed and laid down next to me. The next few moments were silent as we watched TV. "What did that guy say to?" Katsuki demanded rather than asked. "He wanted me to join the league and that he knows where my parents are." I could feel the sadness come through my body and Katsuki can see tears start to fill my eyes. "Here I forgot to give this to you." Katsuki dugged in his pocket and pulled out my locket with the pictures of my parents inside. "Oh my God I've been looking for this!" Snatching the necklace from his hand to putting it on around my neck. "When we faught it feel off so I picked it up. I left it in my hero costume so I didn't remember till I found it in my pocket." I leaned over and gave him a hug hiding my face in his chest.

Bakugo POV

This feeling of her by my side made me feel at ease. I thought she could've been taken away from me when I found out the League of Villains were in the area. (Y/n) hasn't been the same since the attack. I felt my blood boil when she told me the league wanted her to join them and promised to take her to her parents. "Those sick batards." I said softly only allowing the two of us to hear. I put my arm around her shoulder pulling her closer to me. "Katsuki...Thank you for saving me today." Hearing her say my name made me stir inside. I have to admit, I do care about her deeply. She makes me feel whole. I'm not gonna tell her how I feel just yet. I want to know if she feels the same first."It's no problem." When (y/n) didn't respond to my answer, I looked down to see if everything was ok. She was already fast asleep from today. As she laid on my chest I stroke her hair feeling to soft strands between my fingers. If those villain bastards ever come near her again, I'll kill them.

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