veinte seis.

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Antonio and Alejandra sat in the car , waiting for their suspect. The woman was accused of kidnapping her four year old daughter during the birthday party after she legally lost custody of her to her father due to her mental illness history.

There was nothing but silence between the two as they waited for her to leave her house. Antonio looked over at his partner as she looked into her binoculars, chewing on a sour gummy worm. He sighed and leaned back.

"Are we going to talk about it ?" He asked her. Alejandra shoved another sour gummy worm into her mouth as she kept her eyes on the house.

"Talk about what ?"

"You know that night ?"

She looked at him and laughed before eating another worm.

"What is there to talk about ?"

"I just want to make sure everything is good between us."

"Good things happened between my legs." She snickered, looking out the windshield. Antonio unintentionally blushed at the comment.

"I don't-"

"You want to make sure we are good and we are good. You gave me a head on the hood of your car , it's okay , it was a moment and it was over."

He took a deep breath and nodded and she looked at him.

"But if you ever want to do that again, please give me a call."

Antonio looked at her with wide eyes before she started laughing and putting her binoculars to her eyes. She saw movement inside of the small one story house.

"I'm serious by the way." She giggled before sitting up and looking closer. The woman had the nerve to have her window open and Ali could see them putting on their jackets to leave. "She's leaving with the girl."

They slowly waited as the door opened. The woman turned and locked the door as the little girl waited for her.

Antonio spoke into the radio.

"We got our suspect, let's go now !"

The two jumped out and ran over to the woman with their guns drawn. 

"Chicago PD !" Ali shouted. The woman picked up her gun from her hip and held it to her daughter's head.

"Take one more step , I'll kill her right now."

"You won't do that, that's your daughter." Antonio spoke to her.

"Try me. I already lived without her for a year , I'm not doing it again."

"I understand what you are going through but you need to put the gun down and let your daughter go."

"What the hell do you understand about it ?" She shouted at him as tears raised in her eyes.

"Listen , my ex wife won't let me see my kids for good. I got taken off the school pick up list. I only get a phone call once a week that lasts five minutes. It's hard to not be around your kids when all you want to do is love and protect them."

Ali put her hand up at Ruzek and Burgess who was behind the woman , telling them to wait as Antonio talked to the woman.

"Someone close to me told me that no matter what goes on , your kids will know that you at least tried that you tried to build a relationship and tried to love them no what you were going through. Doing this will only make the world hate you and you ending your own daughter's life will make you never be happy again. No parent wants that for their child , for them not to be gone without experiencing life but for them to feel a parent being completely absent."

Dodging Bullets || Antonio DawsonWhere stories live. Discover now