cincuenta uno

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Antonio sleepily opened his eyes and looked up to see he was back at Alejandra's apartment. He rolled over to Alejandra's back facing him with the comforter covering up to her shoulder. Her wild curly blonde hair was everywhere as his left arm stayed under her pillow.

Alejandra seemed to wake up seconds later, moving a bit before turning completely over , bringing the comforter up to her nose. A habit she had since she was a child.

Antonio always found it cute.

"Stop staring at me." She mumbled.

"So snappy in the morning."

She pulled the comforter down and glared at him.

"You moved and woke me up." She pouted.

"You're fine."

"I know that already." She told him and he glared back at her as she smiled. She rolled over to her stomach before leaning over , placing her lips against his. "Good morning."

"Good morning to you too."

She smiled against his lips as he leaned over , getting back in between her legs as she giggled underneath him.

"Do I need to leave?"

The two both jumped and Antonio jumped off of her to see Voight leaning against the door frame with his arms folded.


"Be in the kitchen in twenty minutes." He told them before walking out and shutting the door behind him. The couple sat there in silence.

Their boss found out about their relationship and there was nothing they could do about it.

They hardly spoke to each other as they showered and got dressed. Antonio looked at Alejandra who's hands were shaking slightly.

"Baby , it's gonna be fine."

She nodded and threw her hair into a bun. She knew they weren't going to fine , nothing was going to be fine after this, not a damn thing.

They walked out and Voight was standing her kitchen , obviously pissed. He was impatiently tapped his left foot on the tile floor. A habit that he had when he got too angry and to calm himself down.

Alejandra tried to speak first.


"I'm disappointed the both of you because not only are you are in my unit but also my senior detectives."

The two stayed quiet and Hank got even more furious.

"You both knew how hard it was for Erin and Jay and you two are doing the same thing. I have rules for a reason and you two broke them. You two knew better and still broke the one of the rules I have is no in house romances and you couldn't follow that ? When did this start ?"

"Practically the moment we first met." Alejandra told him quietly , looking down , putting her shaky hands in her pockets. Hank looked at Antonio who nodded. "But we only been dating for a year and a half."

"A year and a half ? Only a year and a half ?" He asked them angrily. "And you two were smart enough to hide all this , this whole time ? "

Antonio gulped nervously. Voight was more than pissed as his voice started to raise. Voight never had to raise his voice at anyone and he hardly ever does that. Voight rubbed his mouth and put his hands on his hips.

"Alejandra I'm more than disappointed in you. You came to Chicago to start a new job and you're sleeping around with you partner."

His glare went to Antonio and his nostrils flared as his face started to turn red.

"I've lost all respect I had for you. Not only sleeping with your partner but also my daughter is beyond disrespectful."

Alejandra's face paled. The moment had finally came for Antonio to find out something she was hiding for years.

Antonio looked at Voight before looking at Alejandra who looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"Antonio please-"

"He's your dad and you didn't even tell me ?"

"I knew we could've never been anything if I didn't tell you-"

Antonio pulled his arm away from her grip softly and shook his head at her.

"I've stressed about being together and finally telling Voight for so long for him to only be your dad ? I resisted you so much in the beginning and all this shit , this is how it ends huh ?"

Tears fell down Alejandra's face.


"I don't want to hear another word." He grabbed his keys off the counter and put on his shoes before looking at Voight. "You don't have to worry about an in house relationship anymore since there isn't one anymore."

Antonio walked out and slammed the door. Alejandra stared at the door.

Antonio was gone in just the span in 30 seconds.

Voight looked at her and shook his head.

"You never told him-"

"Dad just please go." She begged as she wiped her eyes. Voight didn't say another word before walking out himself. The door shut and she locked it before going back to her bed room and laying under the comforter.

The same comforter that Antonio made love to her under the night before.

The same comforter where they were caught by Voight.

The same comforter she now cried in since she lost the only person she loved to death.

Tears started to fall before she started sobbing. Her body shook as she grabbed a pillow like it was someone actually comforting her. She was all alone , crying in her apartment.

He just said goodbye to her and she felt like her heart literally broke.

Her chest rose and fell as she clung even more tightly to Antonio's pillow, taking in his scent.

He was gone.

And there was nothing she could do.

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