Chapter 1: Welcome to Pennsylvania

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Hello! Welcome to the future! Now, things here are going to move at a slow pace, to grow Character Development, something that Gate Lacks, and we are also going to be seeing the Retaliatory America, an America where it will retaliate when it gets attacked, don't worry, Noble Gate Fans, Japan will get involved cause of something that the writer of Gate forgot to factor when the Ginza Incident happen, the US-Japan Defense Treaty. Sure, it's mostly meant for Japan, but what's to say it is not also for the United States? Anyways, enough of this rabble, let's get on with the story...
CNS Xhanxi|Transport Ship
Atlantic Ocean
Maryland, United States
May 14, 2043

A bell began ringing, as the ship was approaching a port in their fellow American Allies. The NWSPDPTO was called to Pennsylvania for some training with each other, they will be stationed nearby city of Philadelphia. A man began to finally wake up from his long nap and he began getting in his Standard uniform. And he began heading to the top deck for an announcement from his commander.

"Alright men, LISTEN UP!" A man yelled from his point in the transport ship. "We are approaching the port in Maryland! We will be meeting up with the Americans, Russians, Brazilians and the Belorussians in Fort Yankee! We will treat our allies with the upmost respect," And he smiled "and don't hesitate to mess and play around with the Americans."

The soldiers of the New Chinese Army began cheering just as their ship entered port and docked. The man from earlier enters an American XM-100 that will transport them to Fort Yankee, for 8 Months of training amongst fellow Allies...

2 Hours Later...

The American Commander of Fort Yankee began drinking his cup of coffee, a pleasure that every mature American will enjoy in the morning. The National Personification of America is with him, though he has changed a lot, Emotionally and in his sense of clothing and battle style. As he drank, he heard the loud engines of APCs and Foreign Vehicles as they wheeled into his base. The base is meant to hold approximately 200,000 men, perfect for some training with other countries. 9 other countries more specifically. The trucks and APCs began unloading Cargo and the vehicles began driving to the Motor Pool. The Americans, Chinese, Russians, Belorussians, and Brazilians are already here, Americans for obvious reasons. South Africa, Australia, India, and Kazakhstan are arriving tomorrow, Japan is also coming. They are not in the alliance, it is just that they are forced to because of the Defense Treaty, and to help force cooperation, Incase the Japanese and Americans have to fight side by side. One of the most pacifist Nations is sending 10k men over to us, I wonder how they will last training with the most powerful alliance in the world?

A knock on his door brings him out of his attention. A Guard opens the door, and in walks the Chinese, Russian, Brazilian and Belorussian Commander, along with, surprisingly, the National Personifications as well. "Privyet, Comrade Fredka." Russia says with a smile.

"Nihao, Westerner"-China

"Hello America!"-Brazil

"Hi, America"-Belarus

America replies with a small smile and a simple "hello" with a soft and saddened tone. This makes the other nations mad, that incident that forced the United States to leave NATO still plagues his mind. "So, how will things operate here on a scale of training? Commander? It's up to you"

The American Commander takes another sip of his coffee, and clears his throat, "Well, Please, Have a seat, and grab some tea or coffee" then the Commander gained a mischievous smirk. "Or, maybe a little Vodka for our Russian friends"

The room was filled with simple laughter. Even America let out a small giggle...
The next day...

Trucks, Trains, and Transport Helicopters began pouring into base. The rests of the alliance and the Japanese has arrived. Out of his HUMVEE, a Japanese Lieutenant began conversing with a Base Officer. "So, whats the deal?"

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