Chapter 12: Operation Firelight

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The Angels of Death, also known as the US Air Force, will now do what they can to instill Fear in the Saderans. This book is reaching to where it is almost at 1000 Views! Thank you all!


Fort Liberty, 1754 Hours

Central Command Operation Center [CCOC]

"Alright, what's our designated time for when the VIPs are supposed to arrive?" The Indian Commander voices her concern. The VIPs haven't arrived yet, and it was deeply concerning the entire room.

However, the welcome sight that is the UKF Reps eases their minds just a tad bit, but still, those VIPs are some of the most important ones in this entire campaign.

"Well, they are designated to arrive in an Hour, but, shall we discuss the Mission our Plane is going to take?" Australia asked. He was allowed in there due to the fact that he was an Alliance Member, but also because he had an incredible hand in Strategic thinking.

"Ah yes, Let's get back to that!"

"Lets see here," The Russian Commander said as he rolled out a Map of the Saderan Capital, certain buildings marked with Red X's, "The Capital's architecture is that similar of Rome, but," He then taps an area that had plenty of markings, "This here, comrades, is some of the most important areas that the Empire has. We destroy a good number of those buildings, the People may lose Morale and War support," He then strikes a Knife down on the Capitol Building, "And they might start advocating for peace!" The room let out a small cheer.

The American Commander then noticed markings with Blue Checks. "Hey, what's with these buildings?"

King Duran walked up to him and looked at what he was pointing at, "Commander, I highly advise that you do not hit those areas, Those areas are religious sites for our gods in this world."

"Why so? They are just religious sites."

The Chinese Commander then sat down, "Look, those Gods have Apostles like Rory that follows Recon Division 17's Leader around. If those gods are TRULY real, We'd rather not have a battle against the literal Spirits here. And besides, we barely have any knowledge on how to fight them."

The Brazilian Commander then rolled the map back up, "So it is decided?"

The commanders all nodded in agreement, when the Commander was sure to nod to Australia. He then went over to a PA Phone and connected to the Airfield PA, "This NP AUS, Operation Firelight is a go. Sky Prowler-1 and Sky Prowler-2, You are all clear to take off!"

As Australia put the Phone down, Bus Engines got their attention. "Oh bloody hell, they finally have arrived!"


Fort Liberty Airfield

The 2 Massive Ground-Attack Planes started their Engines, starting with the Jetliner Engines first, then followed by the Propeller Engines. Their engines roared as the Planes lined up on the runway. "This is SkyProwler Pair, are we clear to take off and begin our mission?"

A few seconds of silence followed. "Permission granted, Take off Ladies and Gentlemen, good luck, and god be with you."

"God be with you too."

The planes then speed down the runway. The Wings are already in a position to prepare for when the speed finally allows the planes to take off. Then, the Landing gear started retracting into the planes. Then, the Spotlights and the regular Lights for the planes turned on, as the Plane lifted itself into the sky. Its operators, ready to do their mission...

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