Chapter 7: Italica and a Pleasant Visit

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Welcome to the part of the story that is changed MAJORLY, because of the Alliance, How I portray Myui, and because of how radio is actually utilized, instead of calling for a defensive strike via Helicopters to make the battle look cool, this battle is only going to see, and KNOW is bloodshed
United Nations Meeting Building, New York City

The Meeting room was silent

For once...

Many Representatives and the National Personifications Sit silently, unmoving, and with a serious face. The Reps and National Personifications of NATO, excluding most of the new members, sat nervously. This is the nation that, because of a stupid mistake from England, they lost their most powerful member. The US Rep hasn't arrived yet, but the other Alliance Reps were here. The meeting will start when the US Rep enters the room.

It felt like an eternity before the Rep finally entered the room, but nobody expected the PRESIDENT to sit down at the US Seat. "Good morning everybody, I do believe that we all know why we are here? If you don't, I am sure you have a computer or a laptop that you can use to please check your email."

President Penelope Dugan, the first female president of the United States. She had proven to be a battle hardened, she had Marine and Naval experience, and a Political Powerhouse national leader, and whenever she is meeting with other leaders in meetings, she can silence the entire room by raising her voice over them, telling them to shut it or else.

Perfect for a nation like the United States

The Reps began reading their emails again. Once they did, they put their laptops away. Although, somebody was missing.

It was the Rep of Pakistan who took notice on who or what was missing, "Excuse me, Miss Dugan, But where is the National Personifications of the Alliance?"

"They are on the other side of the gate, helping their troops, now, please, this meeting is supposed to be Brief, so let's get going." The Chinese Representative told him.

"Right, So, this is a call for the United Nations to send aid if possible?" The Rep from South Korea asked.

"Correct, although, we were, in a way, reluctant, for this call to arms, since most of the US's trust in the world has been shattered, but, we will allow nations to begin sending aid."

The Mexican and Canadian Rep looked at each other, "Well, I think we can send aid, and since we are the closest, you can expect aid from us to arrive in a few days at most."

"That's good..."

The National Personifications just simply chatted with each other, while NATO silently talked amongst themselves, more-so the Western Europe NATO Members.

As the president said, the meeting was supposed to be brief, but it was enough time to figure out who will send aid, the President jotted this down in a notepad she had on her.

-Latin America and North American Plate Nations: Full Support

-Asia and Middle East: Full Support

-Africa: Only South, North, and a bit of West are Full Support

-Caribbean: Full Support, even Cuba has Full Support, and she is such a puta, in her words against her

-Europe: Full Support, But, something was off

The President then stood up as she pocketed her notepad, everybody was already packed up and ready to get out of there.

"Alright, we are all clear to leave, I hope we will see your support and aid in this campaign to be quite helpful for the Alliance."
Fort Liberty, Alnus Hill

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