Chapter 11: To the 5-Sided Fortress!

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Sorry if the last chapter seemed a bit rushed, but, I will try and slow down, so things can be more detailed and amazing, so expect things to be slow, as I continue to try and keep the chapters polished up for you, Fellow Readers. Here's the Pentagon Chapter!

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Washington D.C. International

1 Week later

The revelation of the states still shocked many of the foreigners. The fact somebody's little governed Territories are personified is a shock to them. But nevertheless, the Meeting in the Pentagon will go on. As Pina steps out of the plane's terminal, she can't help but marvel at the surprisingly modest Capital.

White buildings scattered the capital, an obelisk in the center stood tall near a building that looked a little like the Saderan capital's Senate building. The people walking around looked casual and had no real way of indicating the wealth between others.

Soldiers walked in groups of 7, and Police and SWAT Team Members chatted casually. And people did whatever they could just to enjoy their day. "Wow," Norma said, looking at the capital's state, "the people who must reside here must be the elite, for they all have the utmost class in manners and clothing..."

America looked at him, "Actually, anybody can live in the capital. There just needs to be enough housing for you to be in here." America retorted as he began talking to an Alliance Soldier.

Just then, buses finally arrived, but they have tanks as escorts this time, which was a tad bit worrying. "Man, you know something happened when suddenly Abrams and Armatas are escorting us..." Itami muttered as the Tanks got themselves into position and the buses were loaded, him, Kurata, and Shino got in a row together, much to the displeasure of Shino.

The engines of the vehicles roared as they got on the highway that led to the fabled Pentagon,

The US Military Headquarters


Pentagon, Central Command Room

King Duran watched curiously as the Holographic Globe in the center continued spinning to the left, dots, shapes, lines, and all sorts of holographic bits scattered it. There were flatter maps of this, but to Duran, and King Ligu, The Globe was much more appealing and interesting to look at.

Troops and workers walked and scattered around the room, all rushing to do what they needed to do. It impressed Duran. Men working incredibly well with Women, who were perceived weak back in his world. But, it appears perceiving them a certain way will truly make them act certain ways.

The more you know


The Buses, Highway-58

As they rode along, they noticed the amount of cars that were on the highway. Buses, Trucks, Cars, Vans, all of them, clogged the highways. Pina was amazed at the entire clogged roads. "Is this a normal occurrence here?"

The driver annoyingly sighed, "Yeah it is, Traffic Jams are regular problems on Highways in America." He said back to her while honking the bus's horn. The Tanks were also honking their horns as well. It was just a test of waiting as the line of cars moved ten minutes at a time, moving a yard every time. Everybody was napping away, the meeting wasn't until tomorrow, even then, there were rooms at the Pentagon for them to rest in.

The driver just banged his head as the line moved an Inch forward, the monotonous cycle beginning again.

5 Hours later...

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