Chapter 6: Refugee Crisis and Seccesion

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Well now! The Flame Dragon part is here! Oh! And something interesting as well!
Duran's Castle, Kingdom of Elbe
Dining room

"Well," Duran started up, stomach full and Happy, "I must confess, the Chefs who made this has my upmost respect." All of the people in the room, exception of the people who had it before, were in agreement, while the Alliance Members just smiled. The entire Castle has been fed, the transports' cargo had a lot of food, and a Document Typewriter on a Huey. The Chinese Representative, after cleaning himself, and the Servants of the castle cleaned up the table, cleared his throat, and nodded towards the American Representative.

"Miss Sophia? Please, the Papers." After that, she pulled out a briefcase full of papers, she got up and handed what appeared to be a copy of a United Nations document. "Now, on these documents, these are a message from the UN, or the United Nations. An organization dedicated to World Peace, while Bringing Justice to those who dare break the peace." The Royals nodded. "Now, please, flip a page over," they did so, by copying what an American Soldier did, "and Please, turn your attention to the Title that says, 'United Nations Task Force'". They looked under the title, and read.

"The United Nations, Under Article 6, Line 32 of the Revised UN Constitution, will have the members of each Nation State, send Military Support to aid the attacked Nation. The 'attacked Nation' in this case, is the most powerful Nation in our World." The Royals fidgeted nervously at that. "However, after discussing with Count Formal, we have come to negotiate a Neutrality Act for you, we are aware of the Abuse and Mistreatment your Kingdoms are receiving being a puppet to the Empire, and we want to help you be freed from that. However, in this war, we do not want to fight you, our focus is with the Saderan Empire, and the people who ordered the Attack on our Nation." At this, many of the people in the room relaxed, but some of the guards stiffened, which did not go unnoticeable by a few Marines.

"Oh really now? Are you sure that you are going to go on your word?" A King asked. The Other Worlders just smiled. As if they were expecting that question.

"Oh, trust, we have a whole act ready to be read right here," Miss Sophia passes out a Parchment, that had many things listed. The Royals went over it, reading each one in amazement, Duran even called over some of his guards to read it. "Now, I'll boil it down to the most important things. The Vassal Kingdoms enter a state of Neutrality in the War, taking neither side. If the Empire attacks or you get attacked at all, we will send Military aid to your side. If the Alliance gets attacked, you will help us. If anything would to happen to your people, the NWSPDPTO, the Alliance, will send Medical and any needed aid. Now, if you sign that treaty, you won't worry about us breaking it, we always go on our word, no matter how ridiculous it is." The Royals were shocked. On this very parchment, could be the very thing that prevents them from getting slaughtered. And, it might be a way for them to show the Empire that they can't be pushed around anymore.

"Hmm, can we take a minute to look this over?" Duran asked Formal, who looked to the Alliance Representatives. They all nodded in agreement.

"Well, more time to look it over won't hurt, we will be here though, waiting for your answer." The Russian Representative simple answered, voicing everybody's agreement. The chatter amongst the royals and Representatives

10 Minutes later

The Royals calls the Representatives for their attention. Duran stands up and clears his throat, before standing tall and speaking, "After discussing it over, we have come to the conclusion that we shall sign the treaty." And the King went to go sign the parchment. But as he did so, one of the guards dropped a rolled up piece of paper, with an empire official seal on it, curiously, an Indian Soldier picked it up, just as the guard went to go and pick it up.

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