Chapter 8: The Battle of Italica

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The inevitable battle of Italica has arrived...
Formal Mansion, Italica

The Rose Order Knights stood tall, but nervously as the Count conversed with the Other-World's Soldiers. He had a serious face while occasionally turning to his daughter and telling her something. The Knights were, understandably nervous. If the father, who was presumed dead, all of a sudden appear from a Metal Flying Behemoth from people of another world. As they talked, Pina grew nervous.

What if he is talking about a way to surrender his city? What if he doesn't need our protection anymore, what if he...

"Miss Myui?" A Soldier from the Transports walk up to the little countess. "If we may, can we provide defense of the city?" Myui and Colt then began conversing. Myui then turned to the Soldier, a determined look on her face.

"Please, do, my father tells me of your battle capabilities, so, I wish to have those ca-" Myui began before somebody interrupted.

"HOLD IT!" It was some of the Rose Order Knights. "These are the enemy of the other gate, Countess Myui, why are you Sidi—"

Myui held up her hand. "I trust these people more than what you all are offering. Princess Pina, you and your knights just walked into MY city, showed no regard for some of the races here, which, is what your supposed to do in Italica, as per my Father's Wishes. And then, with a piece of paper that had the Empire's Stamp, just said that you will be taking control of the City's Defenses, without even a second thought." Pina and her knights stood stunned and Agape at the little Countess who they all thought was inexperienced, Grey Laughed though.

He knew she had it in her. Pina then had a look of Defeat. "Fine, we will be under the Command of the Other Worlders for the Defense of the Empire's Greatest City..."

Myui just finished signing a Parchment, "The empire's City? Cause..." Holds up the Parchment, Father and Myui Smug, "According to this, after giving my signatory, the Formal Clan is no longer apart of the Empire." Pina flared a little in anger as she snatched the Parchment and speed read it. She stopped as she read one, little, Line

-The Formal Clan and its Properties will join the Allied Kingdoms of Falmart

Hamilton went to pick up the Parchment and looked at it in shock. "T-this doesn't mean.."

"It's means that the Empire lost all of its Vassal States and those states are going to go to war with them." Colt said, walking up to them with Myui and a few Soldiers. "And you all are now under the Command of the Alliance soldiers." Pina had to conceded, cause most of the City's Guards and Duran's Defense Army has already drew their swords at them. The Rose Order knights stood down, but Grey stood and watched the soldiers, as one of them began talking into a black Box that seemed to squawk back voices every time he spoke into it.

He then attached the Box to a little clip on his chest. "The River behind us is going to deliver a massive defense Force, Meanwhile, The Base at Alnus will begin sending Troop Transports. That should hold the entire Place safe..."

The People who knew what was going on and what they're capabilities are, nodded, the People that don't sat in Confusion...

They were now being assigned Gates. Itami's Team was going to guard the East Gate. The Knights and the newly arrived Troops the South Gate, and a new Force will occupy and defend the West Gate.

Itami was trying to read his Manga, He and a few other Japanese soldiers have brought their Manga with them. He was starting to shake a little, he was growing very scared.

Footsteps behind him brought him out of his state. America, Vietnam, and China were there. America had a little Pack out. Cigarettes, Cuban Cigarettes. America sat down next to him, joined by the other nations. "Hey Man, you look like your freaking out a little" America said as he took out a stick out of the pack and handed it towards Itami, "Here, these usually help."

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