Chapter 5: Recon Mission and Call to Peace

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1 Month Later
Alnus Hill, Fort Liberty
Psychological Infirmary

Lieutenant Youji Itami just Laid there on his bed. Tried to read his Manga, but what happened a Month Prior will scar him for the rest of his life.

What happened at Alnus Hill will pertain to haunt his memories for years to come. Everybody got blood on them, whether they liked it or not. Hell, he heard that the Mastif Armored Division ran out of ammo and edited to try and run the enemies over...

He heard that blood still stains the tanks and that body parts are still stuck in the wheels and Tracks...

He then heard a knock on his door...

In walks the United States himself, "Hey man, how you feeling?" This simple attitude was not something that Itami expected from the Personification of America himself. He expected a much more professional attitude. An Attitude that could command the most dangerous and most stubborn person in the world. But here America was, talking to him like a completely normal person.

"I know what you are going through. Suffering severely, but, it is because your nation has barely
seen any action since WWII, but do not worry." Itami felt confused at that. "I have a job for you..."
Imperial Senate, Saderan Empire

"My lord, we are have decided to call this meeting, cause of the upmost importance that it brings in the tide of war" A man took the stage as he brought out papers and a few flags from the other world. "From the captured people we have taken, we have learned a great deal at Rondel by probing their minds. And we have learned a great deal of information, though, that information may only serve in anybody's favor..." He was the Grand Mage at Rondel, the Magical Capital of Sadera. He began to summon and Manipulate smoke, and proceeded to show things in the smoke.

What they saw was a group of men and women at a table in a large Conference like room. And they were discussing something. "What we are seeing here is diplomacy between nations. As we probed the minds of the captured people, we learned that the idea of Warfare between nation states have faded out," Many senators were amused by that, No Warfare? Then that must me-, "HOWEVER, that does not mean that nations are not allowed to have Militaries, But wars between Nations have slowly faded out, and soon, the wars happening were Civil Wars, and little and petty armed conflicts."

A senator stood up. "But, why? Why would they stop the glorious art of Warfare? Have they grown soft?" Many other Senators have nodded their voices of opinion. The Mage, signaling him to sit down, continued.

"No, as we explored the mind of one of the captives, it turns out, there are 4 simple, but complicated reasons why Warfare between nations as ceased and only devolved to war amongst the people or simple conflicts." He then manipulated the smoke to resemble a building surrounded by some sort of leaves.

"A factor is something they call, 'Democratization', which is the transition from an Autocratic form of Government, to a form of Government called Democracy." Many senators were quite aware of the concept, however, one senator decided to voice his opinion on a drawback of Democracy.

"But Sir, in order for a Democracy to work, the people have to be well educated to do that, or is it different in their world?" Many senators voiced agreement on that. But it appears the Mage was ready for that.

"Yes they do, but as it turns out, the nations of the other world spends up to 1000000 Silver Denari a year, just so that their people may be educated, have the ability to participate in Democracy's Way of Life. Anyways, as I proved through the man's mind, it turns out, out of all of the Major wars in their last century, it turns out, only 1 was a war between democracies, and it was a complete accident, too"

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