Chapter 3: Interrogations and Planning

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I am advancing this story at a rate at which most of my stories have never advanced before...
Nevada, United States of America
November 1st

Count Colt Formal of the Formal clan awoke in a strange cell, that have been placed with many of his own soldiers, and Commanders. He was confused. Why wasn't he dead? The power of this army should've obliterated him and the people he has been in-prisoned with. But why were they spared?

He had no time to resort to his thoughts, as a Person was outside his cell, unlocking the door. "Alright, I know for a fact you can understand me."

Colt was shocked. It was a Women in a strange kind of Military Uniform. And he was ordering him what to do, well, not wanting to die and possibly not see his daughter again, he decided to follow her instructions. "Now, what I want you to do is follow me, any funny business, and you will down on the ground so fast, you won't have time to even blink. Got it?"

Colt nodded and simply followed her as she led him though the halls. He got a better look at the woman as light began to shine on her from above. The girl was a white tall female, her face, if he could guess, must be in a scowl, as she led him through the halls, till he reached a pair of doors. "Now, go inside, and sit in the chair over there."

He entered a strange room, the walls were grey, a weird box like contraption in the roof, and on a wall, black reflective surface. In the seat he was supposed to sit in, he noticed some hot food and water awaiting him. Feeling quite famished himself. He decided to eat the Food. He smiled, at how tasty the food was. 10 Minutes have passed, and Colt heard somebody walk in the room. It was a dark man, that colt easily mistook for as a dark elf. But when the lack of pointed ears showed. He watched as the man sat down at a chair opposite of him, took out some paper and a hard surface. He took out a tube, which suddenly had a metal point pop out, when the man pressed something on the back of the tube.

"Hello, Sir, my name is Jeremy Fitzgerald, I am from a US Department called the Central Intelligence Agency. Now, would you be inclined to tell me your name?" The man asked in a professional and tired tone.

Colt, fearing this place called the "US"decided to respond to any and ALL questions, in case they gave him a chance to see his daughter again.

"I am Colt Formal, I am a Count of the Formal clan"

"Good. Now please state your place of birth..."

"I was born in the Imperial city of Italica, the Saderan Empire's greatest and most economically powerful city..."

"Any kin?"

"Yes, my daughter Myui, who is now leading my city, at the young age of 10"

That made the man freeze. "Jesus, a ten year old is leading your empire's greatest city, god guide her..."

"Alright, May I gain knowledge of where you come from?"

The man, who, was in a serious mood, replies "Well, considering we have time, might as damn well."
He sat up, got this weird thing out of his lap that ticked and tacked as he did something with it and then the screen on the wall to the left of him, glowed then showed a map. Well, not a map he was used to, but, it was a map.

"The country I come from is the United States of America. The most powerful nation in the world, while leading the New World Superpower Defense and Prosperity Treaty Organization, which stands on the top of the world as the most powerful Alliance of all"

Colt looked terrified that they managed to attack and anger nation of such power... "Well, I do hope that your king with be willing to negotiate peace..."

The man laughed. "Dude, Hate to break it to you, but Monarchies no longer exist since 18 years ago. Autocracies have disappeared from the Earth." The count looked shocked. How could a nation run without a central figure?

As if reading his thoughts, the man said. "Here's a simplified version. The United States and most of the world, runs on a Government System called Democracy. This system of Government allows the Citizens to vote for laws and leaders so that their nations can run without the fear of a person taking over for too long." The count was listening. "Now, in order for democracies to work, every citizen must be educated. Which is why all of our nations spends millions each year to provide their people an education, so that some lucky people might be lucky enough to be voted into power of a nation. And the people runs the government. Hell, the quote for the US when the Government was made was, and I quote, 'A Government for the People, By the people, run by the people'" The count was amazed on how the man described and explained his Government, and he wanted to know more...

All of a sudden, a Bell rung, and the man stood up. "Now, you will be escorted to a state called Pennsylvania. And don't worry" he was at the door, "there is a chance we may give the ability to see your daughter again..."
The Pentagon, War Room 9

"Alright, we are all aware on what happened last week in Philadelphia, right?" General Robert Abrams of the US Army asked the room. Nods of agreement were his response.

"Now under Article 2 of the NWSPDPTO, we decided to order a full retaliatory strike through the Gate. I want the entirety of Fort Yankee to help. And we know we have confirmed reports of a Gate in our Maryland Bay, so we want the Navy to get involved and help take care of the gate there, now it is confirmed that the Gate leads to the same place, so we don't have to worry about problems when it comes to fronts. Any questions?"

A Japanese Ambassador raises his hand. "Will Japan get involved in this conflict?" All of the officials in the room knew the answer.

"Unfortunately, yes, you guys have to get involved, because of the US-Japan Defense Treaty" a Chinese General spoke his mind, "Now, we have people to save, and justice to be served, right America?"

The Personification gave a serious nod. And the same response from the other Personifications.

"Seeing as we are all in an agreement, you are all dismissed! May god guide us to victory!"

"Please do Send construction materials and workers..."
Sorry for short chapter, I just wanted to get his out of the way...

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