Chapter 2: The Liberty Incident

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Here comes the 2nd chapter! Hopefully it will live up to the standards that I usually had!
5 months and 3 weeks later
October, Morning

It was a free week, and some of the Japanese were looking forward to taking it easy for a week. Itami, who was bored out of his mind, was asking around the base. To see if anything anime related was happening. After asking the foreign Troops, who all replied something to the extent of "Sorry, we don't know" he decided to go ask one of the Americans. He decided to go ask a pilot, who was making adjustments to her F-35's armament racks.

"Hello, Miss," Itami Said, "Do you know if there is anything related to Anime happening around this time?" The Pilot, rolled out from under her jet, and looked at him, before replying.

"Well, I heard that there was going to be an Anime and Manga Convention in Philadelphia that's supposed to start in 4 Hours, why, you an Otaku?" The Pilot replied, and asked a question of her own.

"Yeah, I am Lieutenant Youji Itami of the JGSDF"

"Sergeant Taylor Serachi of the USAF"

"Well, nice talking to you, I'm going to catch a ride to Philadelphia and get ready for the convention, WOOO" and Itami was off, while the Pilot laughed a little before going back to work on her jet.
Liberty Hall, Philadelphia
United States of America
2 Hours later

The people of Philadelphia were moving and going about in the most picture perfect scene ever. A nice hot sun in the sky, occasional clouds, and flocks of birds flying around. The people, were no different. Men and women going to work, visiting the grocery store, children playing in the parks and playgrounds. Bars filled with drunk happy people. Restaurants filled with happy customers as they are their meals. Police, Paramedic, and Fire Services were doing their routines. A news van giving a report on the state of the Liberty Hall, the place where the Declaration of Independence was signed. An occasional passenger plane flying above, and every so often, a convoy of National Guards would pass by, giving friendly waves at their fellow citizens.

This is the scene we see now, a scene of pure serenity...

And it is here, along with another far off place, that the gates to another world open...

Nobody noticed it, until the transparent figure began to materialize in the front of Liberty Hall, leading into the street. The citizens, concerned at this suspicious structure in front of a great National Building. Did the normal and sane thing.

Call the Police...

5 Police Cars, along with a couple of Swat Vans, rolled into the street, established a barricade in front of the identified entrance to the gate. As they looked inside, all the Officers saw, was never ending, Darkness.

"What's going on?"

"Why is that structure there?"

"Why is this here in the first place?"

"This is Unit-52, What's the Status?"

"Unit-52, this is Charlie-14, We hear movement from the Gate..."

Suddenly a dragon flew out of the Gate and stop it was somebody in Roman Armor. Soon, a Roman-Esque Army, with Mythical creatures in its ranks and began slaughtering the citizens and helpless people. The officers began firing.

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