Chapter 4: The Slaughter of Alnus Hill

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Here's what Gate is partially famous for, the literal devastation of armies led by absolute idiots...
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

It had been a week of preparations, and the Armies is ready to march beyond the Gate. Lieutenant Itami sits in a vehicle's passenger seat as the vehicles start up their engines.

"All Military Forces, Green light is given, we are ready to go! Go go go!"

Then the large column of vehicles began to enter the Gate. Armored vehicles like Tanks and APCs led the front, while transports that had troops, Aircraft, and Construction materials followed afterward. The majority of the force being sent as a retaliatory strike were from the Americans. The Foreign Nations contributing the most is Brazil, China, India, and Russia. Japan is only sending what they can...

The Personifications are said to go through the gate with them...

Itami watched out of his window as the vehicles drove in the void for what appeared to be hours. Sighing, he activated his Helmet's light, dimmed it, took out a Manga book, and started reading, bored out of his mind...
Imperial Senate, Saderan Empire

This is the Senate room of the empire. A place where all of the Government workers are called to dicuss problems.

The problem they are faced with this time, is one that, the intelligent among them, understands.

"My lord, our invading force has been absolutely decimated, and word from our scouts is that the enemy is already sending an invasion force in Retaliation. They are destined to arrive outside of the gate in less than 2 Hours. How do we proceed?" A senator reported. The emperor sat in his chair, with an unamused face.

"Maybe, we should try for diplomacy? You heard what happened to the force, being decimated by Flying Horses, Iron Elephants, and Mages with unspeakable power." Another senator reported. Most of the room laughed at him. The ones who are trying for Diplomacy, are the ones who have common sense incited to them.

The rest of the room, not so much, unfortunately. "Are you kidding? The enemy may be superior, BUT once they are on our turf, they will find it an absolute nightmare to try and make any sort of advance against us!"

"But! We do have numbers, they don't! So we may be at an advantage here!"

The room has exploded into a perpetual amount of Arguments. The Emperor, with a simple clap, silenced them all. He then stood up and spoke. "The Empire has reigned supreme for thousands of untold years, with us being unchallenged and others being annexed every single day! Now, we must stand against this new enemy, call the allies! With their help! We shall be unstoppable!"

The room went up in a cheer, as dragon messengers raced to their allies for he call to war...
Alnus Hill, Gate

The Vehicles finally stepped out into sunlight. The Tanks went to go set up a perimeter with the APCs. Itami and a number of Lieutenants and Commanders topped out of their vehicles. "Man, that's a really beautiful change from the City Life" an Indian Commander commented.

"Da, imagine if we Russians had this view every time we woke up?"

Armored Transports exited the Gate, and out came the National Personifications. "Ahh, well, would you look at that?" Commented America with a chipper attitude. More vehicles began coming out of the gate, they all had pre-made walls and aircraft ready to be deployed.

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