[1] A New Case

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I was sitting at my desk finishing a report, when a file slammed down on my desk. I looked up to see officer Bullick. "We've got a new case for you. A murder on 3rd street. A wife and son killed with a kitchen knife. Go down and check it out."

He then went back to his office. I stood up and grabbed my coat. I went to the crime scene. I pulled up in front of the building. I got out and a guy bumped in to me. He dropped all kinds of stuff all over the ground. I bent down to help him. He grabbed all of his papers and we stood up. "I'm terribly sorry"

"It's fine"

He then sped into the next building over. I walked up to the door and opened it. All kinds of cops were inside. An older man came up to him. "Are you detective Stump?"

"Yes I am, how may I help you?"

"We'd like you to look at the bodies before we move them."

"Yes, show me them"

The man turned and began to walk. We went in to the dining room. The young boy was face-down in his food. The mother was on the ground. I walked over to the boy first. He had two stab wounds in his back. His chair was neatly pushed in with him in it. I walked over to the woman. She was also stabbed in the back.  Hers was three times. I stood up and went to the kitchen. The knife was laying in the sink. Two knifes were also on the counter. I looked at the man. "You may now take the bodies. Thank you for waiting on me."

I tipped my hat, then walked out of the house. I went out and got in my car. I noticed that boy was sitting on the steps crying. He had a huge red mark on the side of his face. I honked my car. He looked up at me. I waved him over. He got up and walked over. I rolled the window down. "Get in"

He opened the door hesitantly  and got in. "Hi my names Patrick, what's yours?"

"P-pete, why are you doing this?"

"Doing what? Who hit you?"

"M-my dad"

"Do you live there?"


"Why'd he hit you?"

"He thinks i'm trying to steal his job, so he's trying to keep me quiet."

"Well, what does he do?"

He looked down at his lap. I turned on my car. He looked scared at me. "Where are we going?"

"Back to the station, now what does he do to you?"

"He hits me and doesn't let me eat..."


I drove to McDonalds. He looked at me. I handed him a 20. "Go get yourself something to eat."

He sat his stuff down, then went inside. I picked up a folder. It was a file.

Peter Wentz III, age 24 classified Bipolar at Watts Medical Center in downtown New Orleans, prescribed a low dosage for the rest of his life. Also Anorexic, must be watched when in a depressed state, it becomes worse. 

I closed the folder and sat it down. So he's bipolar? His dad would be the ME at our station then, Pete Wentz Jr. I looked up to see him coming out the door. I started up the car. He got in and sat his drink down in the cup holder. I pulled out and we started towards the police station. 

As I drove, I kept looking over at Pete. He seems like a really nice kid. He pulled out a thing of chicken nuggets and began to eat. I looked back at the road. I turned on to the drive way of the police station. I got out of my car. Pete tried to grab all of my things. "Let me help you"

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