[7] Kidnapped

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I went downstairs to the waiting room for surgery. I sat down in a chair. They called Joe's full name. I stood up and walked up to the doctor. "Hello, are you related to the patient?"

"Yes, i'm his fiance"

"Ok, his nose is back in place. It's going to take some time for his nose to heal. At least a month. He should be awake soon. You can go back and see him. He'll be woozy though. And no more hitting the face"

"Thank you"

He led me back to Joe. He was still asleep. I sat down in the chair beside his bed. The doctor walked away. I grabbed Joe's hand. His eyes began to flutter. I kissed the back of his hand. He opened his and looked at me. "Hi Andy"

"Hi Joe"

"Am I dead?"

I let out a laugh. "No Joe, your alive"

He lifted his other hand up and touched his face. "I am"

I laughed again. Pete knocked on the door, then walked inside. "Hey Joe, how you feeling?"

"He thinks he's dead"

He let out a laugh. "Well I don't think your dead Joe. Andy would be bawling if you were"

He smiled at me. His doctor walked into the room. "Hello Joe, how are you feeling?"

"Like i'm on a cloud"

"Well once the meds wear off you'll be feeling it"

"That's great"

We all laughed. Joe yelped. "Ya, your not gonna be able to laugh. It really will hurt your nose, so don't go laughing."

"I'll make him as sad as I can"

"That's fine with me"

Joe squeezed my hand. The doctor the turned and left. Pete then followed. I looked at Joe. He smiled at me. "Come here"

I stood up and walked closer to him. He put his freehand on my neck and pulled me down. I kissed him softly. He pulled me in closer. I put my hand behind his neck. I accidentally tapped his nose. He let out a yelp. I pushed away from him. "I'm sorry Joe, I didn't mean to"

"Hey, your alright Andy. It's alright, I'm all good"

"Are you sure?"

"Ya Andy, It's fine I promise"

He reached up and pecked me one more time. I sat back down in the chair. A nurse walked in. "It's time for us to him up to the fourth floor."

I stood up and pushed the chair back. Two other nurses came in and took him out to the elevators. I followed behind them. They put him into a room, then left. One of the nurses brought Joe a dinner. I sat and watched as he ate. He looked over at me. "Are you hungry?"

"No, i'm alright. I'll go get something to eat when you fall alseep."


He finished eat his food, then pushed the tray away. I moved it to the end of the bed. He laid down. I leaned over and pecked his lips. He then closed his eyes. I waited till he was asleep to get up. I walked down and out of the hospital. I decided to walk since subway was only five minutes away. I walked into an Alley. I was almost at the end when a guy stood at the end of the alley. I looked behind me to see someone at that end too. A lady walked out in front of me. She stopped dead in her tracks. "Hello Andy Hurley"

"Who are you?"

"I'm a friend of your enemy"


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