[3] Boyfriends

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I walked out of his office and drove to the hospital. I went to the desk and asked the nurse where Patrick Stump was. She said he was in the ICU. I said thank you, then headed to the other side. A nurse topped me and asked where I was going. "I'm here to see Patrick Stump. He's is ICU"

"Yes, right this way"

She led me to room 1. She opened the door and I walked inside. Patrick head was all wrapped. I walked over and he smiled. "Hey pete"

I sat down beside him and he grabbed my hand. "Hi patrick, how do you feel?"

"Iv'e got a huge headache."

I let out a little chuckle. He smiled at me. A doctor walked into the room. "Hello, are you related to the patient?"

I began to stand up when patrick grabbed my arm. "Yes, he's my boyfriend."

"Ok, may he be in the room while I talk to you?"

"Ya, he can"

"Well, you cracked your skull pretty hard off of the ground. It will take over a month to heal."

"May I go back to work?"

"Yes, but no crime fighting right now, you need rest"

"Got it doc, thanks"

He then turned and walked out. I looked at Patrick, "So were boyfriends?"

"Do you want to be?"

"I don't know"

"Pete, I do like you"

"Then why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know. I'm a cop, I don't normally date. But I might make time for a special person"

He put his hand on top of mine. "Sure"

He looked at me weird. "So we're boyfriends now?"

I shook my head yes at him. He pulled me into a hug. I sat down in the chair. "We had two more killings this morning. A mother and her son stabbed with a knife in the back."

"Same as before"


"We've also got a witness, the victims cousin and niece."

"Did you talk to her?"

"Ya, she said it was a tall man with curly hair."

"So were looking for a tall man with curly hair."


"Sounds like Baby Killer"


"An older killer from back in the 80's. Either hes back or his son is, used to stab babies in the back with knives."

"Did they ever catch them?"


"What happened?"

"They both jumped into the harbor, but we never found their bodies."

"Thats just great"

"Ya, it's been 10 years though so"

"I'm guessing it's more of the sons doing then"

"Probably, i'm tired Pete, can I take a nap?"


He laid down and closed his eyes. I walked out of the room. My phone went off. 


"Wentz, how's Stump doing?"

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