9 Back Together

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*Patrick's POV* Later On*

I opened my eyes and looked down. Pete was asleep against my chest. I leaned down and kissed my head. I rolled out of bed and looked down. I had blood covering my shirt. I looked at Pete to see a slash across his chest. I ran to the bathroom and got a towel. I took my shirt off, then laid it on Pete. I took it off to see a cut across his chest. It wasn't bleeding anymore. I went to the bathroom and got some bandages. I put them on, then put a wrap around his chest, then pulled him close. I covered us up and fell back to sleep.

*Pete's POV* Later that night*

I woke up because I felt Patrick move. I opened my eyes to see him smiling at me. "Hi Pattycakes"

"Hi baby, do you feel better now?"

"Ya, I do PattyCakes"

He leaned up to me. I leaned down and pulled him into a kiss. He put his hands on my cheeks. I pulled him back and looked at him. "I love you"

"I love you too Pete"

I pulled him into a hug. He began to cry. "What's wrong baby?"

"I feel his hands"

"I'm sorry baby, i'm so sorry. We've got to call the police though about his body"

"What about me?"

"We can't say anything. They'll find mine and his sperm. I don't want taken away from you."

I cried into his chest. He  wrapped my arms around me. "You need to take your meds and we both need to go eat."

"Ok Patty"

We both sat up and I grabbed my pills off of the stand with water. Patrick stood up and put his boxers on and handed me mine. I put them on and got out of bed. We both walked down. I got up and sat on the counter. "What do you want to eat Pete?"

"Uh.. French Toast"

"Ok baby"

He pulled out the mix and began to make them. He handed me a plate of French toast. I got the syrup out and poured it on my plate. We both ate our food. "Can we go watch TV?"

"Sure pete"

He stood up and I put my arms out. "Carry me!"

*Patrick's POV*

I picked him up and carried him to the living room. A knock came at the door. I put him down on the couch. I went and opened the door. Joe was standing there soaking wet in the rain. "Joe, oh.. come in"

He stepped into the house. "What's wrong, why are you here?"

"I don't know, I just wandered here I guess."

I turned to Pete. "Go get him a change of clothes and a towel."

Pete got up and ran upstairs. I took Joe into the kitchen. He sat down on one of the stools. I helped him get his wet clothes off. Pete came back with what I asked for, plus he had clothes on. Joe dried off and put the clothes on. I looked at Pete. He handed me a pair of shorts. I went out of the kitchen and put them on. Joe walked out and sat down on the couch. "I think i'm high"

I looked at him. "That's alright"

"I feel like i'm floating"

I sat down beside him and Pete sat beside me. I turned on a movie. Joe kept laughing at silly things. Pete laid his head down on my chest. My phone went off. I picked it up to see Bullick had texted. 

Stump, those people are on the move. They just left, leaving Andy alone. Be at the station in 5

I shot up. "We've gotta go now!"

I ran upstairs and got dressed. Pete came up and got dressed. I grabbed all my stuff, then pulled him out of the house. We got to the station in 2 minutes. Bullick looked at me. "We've got a team on the way to the house. Get there in the next five minutes, go now"

We ran back out and began to drive to the house.  We saw swat getting out of their trucks. We got out and pulled out my gun. We started into the house. Nothing inside was on. We began to do a sweep of the house. We got upstairs and heard a noise from one of the rooms at the end of the hall. We began to check all of the rooms. We got to the last one. Pete kicked the door and we rushed in. Andy was on the floor pointing a gun at Pete. We both lowered our guns. "Andy, it's alright now. Your ok"

He pulled back the hammer. "Stay back! Get away from me!"

"Andy, it's us. Pete and Patrick"

I saw a flicker in his eyes. Then it was gone. "Get the hell away from me!"

One of the swat went around back, behind him. The swat guy flipped his gun and hit Andy in the back of the head knocking him out. Pete went over and picked him up. He carried him out to our car and laid him across the back seat. We got into the car. We heard a vehicle coming up the drive way. The swat hurried up and clocked the road. We hurried and drove off through the woods. We reached the road about a mile from the driveway. We got back to the police station. Pete carried Andy in and laid him down on an empty desk. Bullick came out to us. "What in the hell happened?"

He carried a laptop with him. He showed us it. We could hear all kinds of gun fire. "I hear gunfire and you guys show up with an unconscious victim. Explain now!"

"Sir, he didn't remember us. He had a gun. We knocked him out, so he couldn't hurt us or himself."

"Now what's with the fire"

"They were returning right as we left. They still must be alive"

Right at that moment, a gun shot went off. We all turned to the entrance of the station. They were there with about twenty huge guys. "We've come to get what belongs to us. Long as you give him to us, nobody will get hurt."

All their men came down and surrounded us. They guy waked over to us. "That's a nice video you've got there. Too bad it's a repeating clip."

"What's your name!"

"Give me Andy!"

"I will once you tell me your names"

"Alright, Brendon and Sarah Urie"

He hit me with his gun right in the stomach. I fell to the ground in pain. He grabbed Andy. I began to stand up, but he kicked me back down. He walked back over to Sarah. Pete ran at him. She shot her gun and hit him in the arm. It was only a tazzer. Joe walked in and jumped on Sarah. He began to strangle her. She dropped the taz gun and tried to get him off. Brendon dropped Andy onto the concrete. He ripped Joe off of Sarah threw him at the concrete wall.  He hit the wall then the floor. They then ran out of the station. Two cops ran to Andy. Pete and I ran to Joe, he was barely breathing. Bullick was on the phone calling for two ambulances. They showed up and put them on stretchers. We each went with one of them. I went with Joe. He was barely breathing. I held onto his hand. The paramedics looked at me. "You knew him?"

"Ya, he's married to one of my best friends. He's my best friend."

"Why don't you call his wife"

"He's in the other ambulance."

He looked at me weird. I let out a small laugh. We pulled into the hospital. We got out and rushed Joe inside. I sat down on an outside bench. Andy's ambulance pulled in. They took Andy inside. Pete came over and sat down beside me. "What's wrong PattyCakes?"

"Can I have a smoke?"


He pulled them out and gave me one. He sat down beside me I lit it and began to smoke. Pete lit it in his mouth, I reached over and sat my hand on Pete's thigh. He put his on top of mine. A lady walked by and yelled fags at us. Pete pulled away from me. She spit at us. Pete started to get up. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to sit down. The lady went into the hospital. I grabbed Pete's hand. "We're alright Pete, I promise. Don't listen to these homophobic people"

"Ok, PattyCakes"

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