8 He's Back

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Brendon got out and carried me into the house. He took me up to I guess my bedroom. He laid me down on the bed. Then covered me up. "Can I watch TV?"

"Ya, you can"

He turned the tv on, then left the room. I laid there watching the food network. A warning came across the screen. 

Look out for Andy Hurley, he was last seen outside the hospital. He's been missing for 36 hours. If you know anything about his where abouts. Please contact the police.

It then went back to the normal Tv show. I looked out the window. A car drove by. Sarah came into the room. "Hey Andy, are you hungry?"

"A little bit, ya"

"I'll go make you some toast"

She then walked out of the room. I pushed the blankets off of me. I put my legs on the floor. I stood up and wobbled a bit. I grabbed the end of the bed to stay up. I took a step and grabbed onto the door. I opened it and walked into the hall. I leaned on the wall and began to walk down the steps. I could hear someone coming. I sat down on the bottom step. Brendon came around the corner holding a plate. He saw me and jumped. "Andy, how'd you get down here?"

"I like walked or crawled to here and got  tired"

"Oh, ok come on let's go to the kitchen then at least"

He helped me up, then helped me walk to the kitchen. I sat down at the island. He put my four pieces of toast in front of me. I picked one up and began to eat it. Sarah came into the room. "Hi Andy, how you feeling?"

"I'm fine, my legs hurt a bit, from trying to walk here"

"Alright, that's good"

"How old am I sarah?"


"What do I do?"

"You stay at home for awhile. And I and Brendon worked. Since you live with us"

"Why do I live with you guys?"

"When you were little you got hurt. You were told you wouldn't walk again. So we decided you'd stay with us and you wouldn't work."

"Oh, ok"

I finished that piece and picked up another. I began to eat it. Brendon looked out the window. "We've got company"

Sarah grabbed me and took me to the bathroom and looked through the door. "Stay here and don't come out or let anyone see you until I call for you"

"Got it"

She then shut the door and left. I crawled and hid under the table. I could hear people fighting and arguing. "Where is Andy?!"


"My husband"

I then heard a gun shot. Somebody screamed, then I heard a car drive away a minute later. I heard someone knock. "Andy, it's me Sarah. The bad people are gone now."

I went to the door and opened it. Sarah helped me onto my feet and we went back to the kitchen. Brendon had a bucket of water and a rag. "What happened?"

"Brendon spilled wine on the floor when the guy tried to break in."

"Oh, alright"

I finished my toast. "I wanna play a game"

"What kind of game?"


"Alright, once Brendon's done ok? I'll go get it from upstairs"

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