6 Broken Noses

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I jerked up to see all my friends. Pete was sitting there holding my hand. He was crying. He stood up and pulled me into a hug. "Patrick, oh my god. I love you."

"What happened?"

"You went into a coma"

"How long was I out for?"

"Almost a year"


He handed me his phone. 12:47 pm , 11/27/2007

"When did I go into it?"

"Last year, a couple days before thanksgiving"

My mom came up to me. "Hi baby"

"Where's dad?'

"Baby.. he died in March from cancer"

I began to cry. Pete pulled me into his chest. I gripped his shirt. He ran his hand through my hair. "What happened to me?"

"You were basically hypnotized. When that broke, it sent you into a coma."

"Am I still a cop? Did I get fired? Am I going to jail?"

"Yes, no and no"

"But I almost killed you"

"The person in your head did, not you"

He kissed the top of my head. A doctor walked inside. "Nice to finally see you awake Mr. Stump"


"Everything has come back normal, you may leave in eight hours."

"Thank you"

"No problem"

He then walked out. I looked at Pete. "Can I take a nap?"

"Ya love, go ahead"

Everyone left the room besides Pete. He sat down in the chair beside the bed. He held onto my hand and closed his eyes. I laid down on the pillow and closed my eyes.

*Andy's POV*

The phone rang. I rolled over and awnsered it. Joe wrapped his arm around my waist. "Hello?"

"Hey Andy, I'm just calling to let you know Patrick's awake."

"That's awesome, we'll come stop by your house tomorrow to check in, Bye Pete"

"Bye Andy"

I hanged up and Joe pulled me back on the bed. He climbed on top of me. I let out a laugh. "Joe"

He leaned down and pulled me into a kiss. The phone went off again. He handed me it and I answered. 


Hello, Dr. Hurley, are you having fun with your boyfriend?

Who is this?

We're going to play a game. Your going to help me get my Patrick back or Joe's head comes off. 

I looked at Joe and saw a little light beeping behind his ear.

Now, be a dear and go find Patrick's bracelet. Don't try ANYTHING Funny!

I sat up and hanged up. Joe looked at me. "What's wrong?"

"Come on, we've got to get to the lab"

I got out of bed and threw some clothes on. Joe did the same and we went and got in my car. "Could you tell me what's going on?"

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