[2] Pete Wentz's dad

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 We drove to Dog's pizza shop where she usually is. We pulled out front and got out of the car. Two guys in black suits came up to us with guns. "It's fine guys, i'm just a soldier of Don Roni's."

I pulled out one of our family's encrusted guns. They both moved away from the door to the downstairs. I grabbed Pete's hand. The others stopped me. "He stays with us"

He looked at me. "You'll be fine. Just stay still Pete"

I then opened the door and walked downstairs. Dog was sitting, playing poker. I kneeled down. "Don Roni"

"Hello Patrick, how may I help you?"

I stood back up. "We are on a case. In your area. A murder, 2 people killed. A boy and his mother. Have you heard anything?"

"About a woman and a boy, I haven't. But Patrick you need to be at the family house on Saturday."

"Yes, dog. Thank you"

I then turned and walked out of the shop, back to Pete. My phone went off. 

P: Hello? 

?:Hi detective Stump, I see you have something of mine. 

P: Who is this?

?: Nobody, but you do know who I am. So return what's mine by Thursday or you will be in trouble.

The man then hanged up. I looked at Pete. He was crying heavily. "Pete what's wrong?"

He handed me his phone.

You better be home tonight boy, or you will be dead. 

I pulled him into a hug. He started crying in my shoulder. I pushed his phone into my pocket. "Let's go back to my house."

I picked him up and carried him to the car. I then drove to my apartment. I picked him up and carried him up the flights of stairs to my apartment. I sat him down on the couch. I went into the kitchen and got him a glass of water. He took it and began to drink it. A knock came at my door. Pete jumped up. "It's ok Pete"

I got up and went to the door. Two cops stood at the door. I opened it up. "Hello officers."

"Do you have Pete Wentz here?"


"He needs to come with us."


"His father wants him home"

"He is 24, he can make his own choices."

"Fine, bye Mr. Stump"

I shut the door and turned to Pete. He was holding a gun. "How do you know my age!?"

"Pete, put the gun down"

"No! How do you know me!?"

"I saw your file Pete"

"You went through my stuff! You don't trust me!?"

"I do Pete, do you think i would have allowed you in my house."

He then put the gun to his head. "I-i'm sorry."

"Pete put the gun down."


"Cause I like you Pete!"

He dropped the gun. "What?"

"I- i like you Pete, your cool and nerdy"


He sat down on the floor, and held his head. I walked over to him and sat down. He leaned into my side. I wrapped my arms around him. He slowly fell asleep. I picked him up and carried him to my bedroom. I tucked him in, then laid down on the couch. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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