[4] Kidnapped

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He rolled over so all I could see was his back. I tried to roll him over. He wouldn't budge though. I got up and went to the other side. He looked at me. "What do you want"

"I need you to get up Pete. You've got a job and things to do. Atleast take your meds Pete. We've got to get to work."

"No, i'm not going Patrick. Please leave me alone."

I laid down beside him. He reached over and grabbed my hand. He then covered himself with the blanket. 

I pulled out my phone and pulled up Bullick's name.

Patrick: Bullick I can't get Pete up, he's in a depressed state today and I can't get him up out of bed. I'm sorry. But i'll be in in a half hour.

Bullick: Ok Patrick, It's fine. I'll see you when you get here.

I put my phone back in my pocket. I tried to get Pete to let go, but he wouldn't. "Pete, you've got to let go."


I hit his hand and he let go, pulling it back under the blanket. I got up and went to the bathroom. I combed my hair and brushed my teeth. I looked in the mirror. My bandaid was beginning to turn red. I got a new one out of the cabinet. I took the old one off and put the new one on. I walked out to see Pete laying with the blanket off of his head. He was playing games on his phone. "I'm leaving Pete, I'll see you later"


I walked down stairs and grabbed my keys. I went out and got in the car. I drove back to the police station. I got out of the car and walked inside. Most of the force looked at me. Bullick walked over to me. "It's good to have you back and fine Patrick."

"Glad to be back and fine boss"

He pulled me into a hug. I let go and sat down at my desk. He handed me a file. I opened it to see a new file, a little girl and her father. "When"

"This morning they were found at 6:25 am outside of their house."

"Got it, I'll check it out."

I then drove to the crime scene. I pulled up to see a tall guy with an afro. I laid down in my car so he wouldn't see me. He went and got in another car. I wrote down the license plate, then began to follow him. He drove to an old warehouse. He pulled up inside the building. I pulled out my walkie-talkie.

"This is detective Stump, I need backup at the old insane warehouse."

"Officer 733 were on our way"

Someone then grabbed me. I kicked and tried to get out of their grasp. Then the afro man opened the door. He grabbed my leg and pulled me out the car. He leaned down and put a mask on my face. I began to become very sleepy. The man looked at me and laughed. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. 

*Pete's POV*

My phone went off. I picked it up.


Hi detective Wentz, you need to come to the station, detective Stump has been kidnapped. You really need to come in now.

Fine, give me 10 minutes.

I hanged up, then got up out of bed. I got a suit out and put it on quickly. I pushed my hair back and put my shoes on. I grabbed my stuff, then walked out the door. Patrick's car was gone, so I began to walk to the station. When I got there, Officer Bullick was telling people to go search for Patrick. I walked up to him. "Hi officer Bullick"

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