10 Over and Out

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I looked over at him and put my hand on his cheek. I lightly kissed his lips. He smiled at me. He kissed me, then laid his head on my shoulder. I grabbed his hand and held it. We stayed there for a long time. A doctor came out to us. Pete sat up, still holding my hand. "You Andy and Joe Hurley's family, yes?"

"Ya, we are"

"Joe suffered alot of back injuries. He most likely wont walk again. If he does, he'll have to have a walking stick. Now Andy on the other hand has suffered alot more trama to his head. He might not remember himself or alot. He'll need your help."

"Ok, thankyou"

He then walked away. I squeezed Pete's hand. He pulled my hand up and kissed my wedding ring. "It will be alright Pete. It always fixes itself"

We got up and walked inside together holding hands. We walked to the counter and asked for their rooms. She told us 127 and that they were together. We walked down the hall to their room. Joe was lying there awake in bed. I let go of Pete's hand and walked up to the bed. "Hey Joe"

"Hi Patrick, how's Andy. I can't really  move too much to see him."

"He's pretty rough Joe to tell you the truth. He's still passed out though"

"Ok, thanks pat"

I walked over to Andy and grabbed his hand. His eyes shot open. "Where am I?"

"Your in the hospital Andy"


"Ya, that's your name"

He sat up and looked around. "Who are they?"

"This is Pete, my husband. And that's Joe, your husband"

"Hi baby", said Joe.

"J-joe? My h-husband?"


"I'm here Andy. I just can't move. I'm paralyzed."

Andy pushed the covers off himself and got up out of the bed. He walked over to Joe.

*Andy's POV*

I walked over to Joe. I looked down at his face. Memories began to flood my mind. I got light-headed. I sat down in the chair with my hands on the bed. Joe grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I laid my head down on his thighs. I was getting a headache. Joe held onto my head. "Andy, what's happening? Are you alright?"

"My head really hurts"

I squeezed Joe's hand tightly. My vision began to blur. I looked up at Patrick. I could barely see him, "Help"

I began to black out. My head hurt heavily, then I couldn't move my body at all. I tried to call any of their names, but nothing was coming out. I felt somebody grab my arm. I could feel myself shaking. 

"Andy, Andy can you hear me?"

It was Joe. My vision began to come back. I looked at Joe. He pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back. "I-i remember Joe"

He hugged me tightly. I laid my head in his neck. Pete and Patrick sat down in the chairs. I stood up and helped Joe back into his bed. A doctor walked in. "Mr. Hurley, you shouldn't be out of bed."

"I want to check on my husband"

"So you remember?"

"Some things, but I get dizzy while I remember"

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