[5] Memory

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"Hold your fire"

He knocked me over and jumped on top of me. He cut a line across my chest. Another cop grabbed him and cuffed him. His eyes went back to normal. He looked at me. "P-pete"

"It's ok Patrick"

I sat up. My shirt became covered in blood. "I'll call an ambulance."

One of the cops walked off. "Take off the cuffs."


"Take them off"

The cop took them off of Patrick. He ran over to me. "I'm so sorry"

"It's ok Patrick"

"The ambulance is on it's way"

He put his hands over the cut. I layed back down. Something fell in another room. One of the cops went to check. Then we heard a scream. Two more of them ran to the other one. I handed Patrick my gun. He bracelet beeped. "Patrick, be a dear and shoot him please"

He raised the gun up as his eyes turned yellow. Bullick and two medics came into the room. They all stopped. Patrick put the gun on my forehead. He had tears running down his face, He took the safety off. I grabbed his hand. He then turned and put the gun to his own temple. "Patrick"

He put his finger on the trigger. "I'm sorry"

Right as he said it Bullick hit him in the side of them head. He fell to the ground. The paramedics rushed to him. They rewrapped his head then came over to me. They put gauze on the wounds. Then wrapped a bandage around my whole chest. I sat up and looked at Bullick. "She's done something to Patrick"

"Ya, I saw him. His eyes were yellow. Plus he has some weird bracelet on his wrist."

"The kid killer is dead"

"Ok, good job Detective Wentz"

He helped me stand up. One of the cops grabbed Patrick. "Where are you taking him?"

"To jail for attempted murder"

"He didn't try to kill me. The lady did something to him. His eyes turned yellow and he wasn't himself."

"So you want us to drop the charges?"

"Yes, that's what i'm saying"

They took the handcuffs off of Patrick. He fell fell against my side. "He needs to go to the hospital Bullick"

"You do too"

"Fine, then we'll both go"

I began to walk to the ambulance, but lost balance. My whole shirt was drenched in blood. I fell into Bullick. He helped me up and carried me to the ambulance. They put Patrick on a stretcher, then put him in the ambulance. I got in a laid on a stretcher. They then shut the back door. We then went to the hospital. When we got there they already had Patrick in there starting to work on him. They put me in the room beside Patrick's. A doctor came in and unwrapped my chest. He began to work on the cut. It hurt like hell. He looked at me. "Sorry sir''

"It's fine"

he finished up. "He got you pretty good."


"You'll be out for at least a week."

"Ok, could you tell me what's happening with Patrick?"

"He's not looking to good. That lady got in his head and messed him up. Something like chock therapy or torture.  The bracelet is how she controlled him. We took it off so now it's just a waiting game to see what happens."

The officer and the kid [Peterick]Where stories live. Discover now