The Speech

140 1 0

Word Count; 1185

When Percy had stated that the group of demigods were going to be heading to Alaska, everyone was fairly surprised, Percy himself. He would've never really guessed that they would be going there.. He would've guessed Alabama, or even Vermont, possibly. But seriously.. Alaska? He was honestly annoyed at the fact that Annabeths kidnappers had chosen the land that was out of control of the gods. But it was somewhat smart, considering nobody could really track them down.

Anyways, now the whole entire group was packing up their things in small backpacks. But Leo, luckily, had his magic tool belt to store some items for him so that it wouldn't take up room in his bag. Meanwhile, everybody else had to make do with their tiny little backpacks.

Percy was in his cabin, still packing some things for their most likely long journey. After all, it would take quite a while to start traveling and all.. After he folded a few pieces of clothing, he shoved them in the bag, grunting. He was never really the neatest, and when he needed to sort something or whatever, Annabeth usually helped him out with that. But now that she wasn't here, the son of Poseidon was feeling useless.. He could barely even fit in the clothes he needed, and he would need to pack some weapons, like Greek Fire.. Or maybe another sword, backup, actually.. But that didn't make sense, even if he were to do it. It would just make his bag heavier than it already was.

Once he had finally finished packing up all of his needs, like clothing, some extra weapons that he and the others could use, he laid down on his bed for a good half hour, completely exhausted. Even packing was exhausting for the male, though he was just a regular demigod of the twelve gods.. It proved that he was getting a bit out of shape since he hadn't been training, though it was mandatory. There was nothing that special about him, other than the fact that he was a son of Poseidon.. As he laid there, on his blue satin comforter, he began to wonder about life. "Why does Annabeth even like me? I'm not that special.. In fact, why are we even together?! I love her and all, but still.. I bet she's just acting like she loves me.." As Percys thoughts intensified, so did the tears welling up in his face. Usually, he wasn't too emotional, but the past few weeks had been a train wreck without Annabeth keeping everyone in order.. Percy quickly sat up as he felt a tear fall, wiping it away. He tried blinking several times in attempt to stop crying, and it worked for a moment or two before he had begun to ball his eyes out.

After a while, his eyes had begun to sting. Why? He had no idea, but it was probably because he had been crying so much. As his crying ceased to an end, Percy Jackson wiped his slightly swollen eyes, sniffling. He rested his cool fingertips on his eyelids, that making them feel quite cold for a brief moment. It felt nice, a quick moment of relief.. It distracted him from what he and the others would need to do in order to save his girlfriend, Annabeth. After a few minutes of his eyes puffing up and such, he had remembered that they would need to start their quest soon. He sighed, wiping the tears off of his face as he stood up off his bed. "Okay, I'm done crying.. I need to get the group together so we can discuss the traveling.." Percy thought, grabbing his bag as he walked outside, the sun searing the back of his orange shirt.

Once the son of Poseidon had gathered up Jason, Nico, Leo, and Piper he guided them to the pavilion and sat down at a table. "So, you may or may not be wondering why I've gathered you guys as of now.." Leo nodded ecstatically, his lips pursed in a grim way. Leo was the only one who would do stuff like that in a situation like this. "I know that most of us have packed all of our stuff already, so I just wanted to give you a little tip- train as much as you can before we leave. I myself will be working on my skills throughout the week, so I expect you all to be doing so, too." The group gave a nod, and some of the demigods spoke out. "You got it, Perce." Jason said, standing up to go do just that. The rest of the group followed after the son of Jupiter, otherwise known as Zeus.

After several minutes, Percy finally got up and headed over to the training arena. He glanced around awkwardly before deciding to climb the lava wall. He impatiently waited for a fellow demigod to finish their round before he began to climb across, biting his lip when he got a burn from the heat of the lava. Climbing across, his foot slipped once or twice, making him grimace nervously.. He had grown somewhat nervous during the course so if affected his performance, which wasn't that great to begin with. Percy sighed, quickly jumping over to the grass beside the lava wall. He wiped the small drop of sweat off his nose, and headed over to the straw dummies with his pen in hand. He planned to try and destroy as many as he could in a quick two minutes.. He uncapped his pen and it quickly grew into a celestial bronze sword, reflecting his face as he stared down at it. He bit his lip, shaking his head as he got into a fighting stance, imagining that he was in a fight with a Minotaur, or a giant, perhaps..

Percy scowled, glaring across the field to what he imagined was a Minotaur. He suddenly ran over to it without a warning, before he began to slash at the dummy violently, obliterating it in seconds. He moved on to the next and the next, unleashing all of his rage into several stabs and swipes of his sword. After 'killing' a good ten figures, he was covered in sweat, his hands shaking slightly. He put his sword up, putting it into the pocket of his shorts. He walked back to the pavilion, panting quietly.

The fresh and cool air inside of the building felt nice considering how heated it was outside. It felt like they were in an oven, and Percy would've checked the weather on a phone if he could have one, but as if he wasn't lucky enough, monsters could easily locate them if they were on one. He rested his head on the table, catching his breath. "I hope we find you Annabeth, I hope we do.."

{Hey guys!! Thank you so much for reading, and don't be shy to comment down below some suggestions or what you think of the chapters.. Have a great day or night! I'll write soon, haha. Make sure to check out Ilikedogs036 book, "This Is The Real Us"! It's amazing and so detailed. }

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