"Well I'm a guy, I don't have any bits up there to cover up"

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"No, it's all about balance" Logan instructs as we both try desperately to slide a chocolate digestive into our mouths from our foreheads.

"Is this even possible?" I groan as I drop it on the floor for the 8th time. Yes, I'm counting.

I don't even know why we're playing this stupid game. Logan bought a bunch of biscuits and other junk food from the shop this morning and we've been living off them all day. We've not left this small room.

So yeah, we got so bored that we're now challenging each other to a game of 'who can slide the biscuit into their mouth the fastest'. I seemed pretty confident with it at the start but I've come to terms with the fact I have no sort of co-ordination or whatever it is you need to have in order to complete this task.

"I give up" he sighs, throwing the biscuit into the bin. I don't blame him, it's probably been dropped on the mucky carpet at least ten times. I shortly follow after him and fall back into my chair.

"I can't believe we've spent a day doing stuff like this" I shake my head in disbelief. Mr Richards hasn't even come and checked on us all day besides when he went to take his lunch break and he had to pass us outside his office. We're being set work but don't even make an attempt to complete the worksheets.

"Told you isolation wasn't so bad" he smirks.

"Yeah, except when you're on your own" I point out.

"Na, I once left school without him knowing and made it back in time before he left for his lunch break. It's okay at times"

"Woah, badass" I say sarcastically, raising my hands in defence.

"I bet you've never climbed through the ceiling" he smirks at me making my eyes almost pop out of my head.


"Neither have I" he shrugs and I roll my eyes in disappointment. "I've been on the roof though, it's pretty cool"


"Yeah, I mean the view's not exactly great. The best you can see is a bit of traffic from town, a couple fields and the golden arches. But it's cool to just zone out up there" he explains.

"Is that where you usually are? I never see you around school"

"Yeah, mostly" he snaps his head to me when he realises what he's told me. "But tell anyone and I'll kill you"

"I don't have anybody to tell" I roll my eyes, making him chuckle.

"You and me both" he sighs, not seeming too bothered about not having any friends here. "Hey, you might be able to take a nap on the roof"

"I like it" I smile brightly, making him chuckle.

The final bell of the day rings and we both make our way to the detention.

"Let's hope another family member has a tragic accident" he mumbles.

"Logan!" I gasp but he just ignores me.


"So you ignore me for a week then ask me to pay for your KFC?" Logan smirks and I groan.

"I didn't ignore you! We just never saw each other!" I scoff. "And I don't have any money on me. I'll pay you back, I swear"

He starts laughing, "I'm joking, chill out"

"Thank you" I let out a sigh of relief.

"I expect three pounds interest though" he tells me as we walk through the doors to KFC.

"You're kidding me, right?" I raise an eyebrow. After we order our food, we sit in the restaurant and start eating.

"McDonalds is better" Logan says after a few moments silence.

Isolation (modified)Where stories live. Discover now