"I'll bear that in mind for when I'm trying to rob your science homework"

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Logan's POV

I've messed up. I know I have. She doesn't even want to kiss me anymore and I know for sure it isn't because her Mum 'wants to know'. I feel like it's because of how I reacted with Reece.

I don't even know why I reacted like that. He just got me so angry at the thought of him and Megan going further than a kiss. Why am I so bothered about this? Megan and I are just friends. But that doesn't appeal to me. I can't be just friends with Megan.

"Logan? I thought you went to Luke's?" Mum asks as I walk into the living room.

"I left early" I shrug, sitting on the sofa next to her and putting my feet up.

"Are you alright?" she frowns in confusion and I just nod, continuing to glare at the TV.

Maybe if I smile she won't question my behaviour.

"Did Megan go home too?" she asks.


"So something's happened between you two I'm guessing?" she raises an eyebrow. Does being a detective automatically come pre-installed with all females?

"No Mum. We're fine" I shrug, flashing my fakest smile. I'm not going to spill all my girl trouble out on my Mum.


"I'm not lying, Mum" I roll my eyes.

"Come on, what is it? I have all night" she shrugs, getting comfortable in her seat. I smile in amusement and shake my head at her. "What's this about then? School?"

"No" I scoff. I've been miserable about that school since the day I started. I'm practically immune to the pain.

"Um, your friends?" she asks and I hesitantly shake my head. I mean, I guess Megan is my friend but... I don't even know. "So it is about Megan"

I let out a sigh of defeat and she squeals slightly. Detective mode must be activated. Well done, Mum.

"Let me guess, you've had an argument?"

"Kind of. I just don't know what to do" I shrug.

"Let it all out, son"

I give her a bored expression and she holds her hands up in defence. Right, how do I start this?

"Sometime before Christmas, Logan" she presses.

"Megan and I kiss... a lot... and... I don't know" I stutter. Okay, great start, Logan.

"Oh wow. Um, okay" she frowns in confusion before her eyes widen in shock. "Please tell me she's not pregnant"

"What? No Mum" I huff, running my fingers through my hair. I let out a sigh of irritation and sum up the whole situation, "We're just friends but I think she wants more. She wants to know if I'm serious about her"

"And are you?"

"Well I don't know, that's why I'm confused"

"So do you like her?"

"No, we're just friends" I tell her what I'm trying to convince myself, making her raise an eyebrow. "Well, maybe a little bit"

"A little bit?"

"Maybe a bit more than a little bit..." I pause, "but that's it"

"Aw, my baby has a crush!" she squeals, pulling me in for a hug. I push her away and frown. "I don't see what the problem is then"

"She wants to know if I'm serious about her and I don't know if I am. I've never had a girlfriend before and I don't want it to ruin our friendship. It just complicates things" I huff. "But if I say I'm not serious then it'll make things awkward and then I don't think we could be friends anymore"

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