"I was expecting The Notebook or The Vow. I underestimate you, Hayes"

930 36 5

"Trick or treat, mother f*cker"

I raise an eyebrow at the screen, wondering why I decided to watch 'Halloween'. One, because it's just awful, and two, it's not even near Halloween. I knew I should have watched Shaun of the Dead.

I jump out of my seat when the rushed knocks are heard at the door. Maybe Mum finished earlier than expected...

I swing open the door expecting to see her but instead, Logan stands at the door with a grin on his face.

"What do you want?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I brought McDonalds and wine. Thought we could watch a movie or something" he shrugs.

"What a combination" I raise an eyebrow. "Logan, I'm really not in the mood"

"Shame" he shrugs, pushing past me as he steps through to the house. I'm secretly glad he didn't take no for an answer.

"Oh, make yourself at home" I say sarcastically, closing the door and following him into the lounge.

"Why the hell are you watching this crap?" he frowns at the screen.

"I don't even know" I sigh, sitting on the sofa. "So come on, why are you really here?"

He shrugs, "Thought you might want to talk"

"Is this about Reece? Logan, I told you. I'm not even bothered about it"

"You were with him for a month, you must be a bit bothered"

"Honestly, I'm not. There are more important things in life than a one month relationship"

"Okay" he shrugs. I smile, happy he's finally not expecting me to go into detail. I can't lie, I'm more than happy that he's here right now. I hate being on my own. I think way too much and that's never good.

"Anyway, why have you brought wine?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I got it for you" he frowns as he screws the lid open. I reach for the McDonalds bag on the table and grab myself a burger.

I'm in my element right now. He's got me a Big Mac, large fries and... Oh my god, is that a McFlurry?

"I owe you one" I say with a mouthful of burger in my mouth. It's so unhealthy how much fast food we eat.

"That's gross" he cringes, turning away from me. "Where are your manners? I swear you have a penis"

I shake my head in amusement.

"Where are your glasses?" he asks, standing up from his place and walking towards the kitchen.

"They're in the cupboard in the top corner. Mum's obsessed with her expensive glasses though so if you think you're gonna smash them, use plastic cups" I explain to him as he makes his way into the kitchen.

I feel like telling him to get the glasses just so they will smash. Call it karma for the betrayal, but unfortunately, I love my Mum too much to break her £50 wine glasses. I know how much she loves them.

"Alright" he chuckles. He comes back out of the kitchen moments later with two plastic cups. "Those glasses look too expensive to take the risk"

"I told you" I laugh.

"Now put a good film on" he orders as he pours the wine out.

There's no way I'd be sat at home drinking wine with Logan if this whole thing with my Mum hadn't have gone on. Half of the reason I'm doing this is just to get my Mum mad when she gets home and sees me drinking, but the other reason is because I'm kind of hoping it will take my mind off everything that's going on.

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