"Can't, I'm washing my hair that day"

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"No, Logan," I pause, "four kids, five cats"

"Ok, four kids is just a joke. Good look finding a man that's going to settle for that" Logan disagrees. "And good luck with the cat thing too because I think that's the only thing you're gonna end up with if you start telling people this plan"

It's currently 1am and we're in bed arguing about how we want our futures to be.

"Alright, what's your plan" I scoff.

"One kid, three dogs, two women" he smirks.

I turn to him in disgust, "Two women? You whore"

I hope he doesn't actually mean that because I forgot to mention, my future includes Logan so he better get on board with the cat thing, and forget the idea about there being more than one me.

"What? They'll both be fully aware of it so it's not like I'd be cheating" he explains as if this is normal.

I laugh dryly, "Ok, now I'm starting to think you're not joking"

"I'm serious!" he exasperates. "My life sounds a lot easier than yours"

"Logan, you can't have two women" I frown. "Don't you like the idea of just being loyal to one person, and raising your little baby together? And taking her out on dates, making her feel really special?"

He pauses, "What else?"

"I don't know, you have holidays, one wedding, take her to see your family" I continue. "You can't do that with two women"

"Meggy, I was just playing" he turns to me with a smile. "I only want one girl"

The eye contact alone is giving me butterflies, never mind hearing the relief he only wants one girl in his life. He shuffles closer to me in bed and tucks a piece of hair behind my ear.

"You almost seemed bothered about that" he mutters.

I swallow the huge lump in the back of my throat and manage to push out a few words, "I just want you to have a normal life"

I try to distract myself from the fact he's glancing down at my lips whilst playing with my hair. And because we're in bed, he's currently shirtless. I am not being held responsible for my actions tonight. My heart's pounding and I'm making the big decision in my head if I should just kiss him, or stand my ground of being just friends.

"You don't want this to stop just as much as I don't" he whispers, leaning in closer to leave kisses on my neck. My body is crumbling. "Why are you fighting it?"

Good question, Logan.

I snap back to reality and remember how hurt I was over all of this a couple months ago, "I don't want to feel used"

"I'd never use you"

"Well that's what you're doing now. You just want to make out for a bit of fun"

"That's what we both want" he frowns in confusion, moving back from me slightly to look at me properly. "If you're scared I'm going to leave you, I'm not. I'll never leave you, Megan. Ever"

I just sigh and look up at him, still unsure about the whole thing. Every single part of me wants things to go further with Logan, but this stupid thing I have called a brain is telling me I'm going to get hurt.

"Just tell me to stop and I will" he mutters, as he continues to place soft kisses along my jaw and on my neck. I breathe heavily, realising I've given into his whole seducing act.

Oh, he's good.

"Don't stop" I tell him and he moans as a response.

"I'll never leave you, Megan" he assures me again in between kisses and I nod, trusting him.

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