"You've not seen angry yet, mate"

833 36 31

"Hey" I smile as I open the passenger door to Reece's car, and begin to climb in.

It's Thursday and Reece has just picked me up from school like we planned. Today's the day he's going to 'make it up to me' after our fall out the other day, and I've been nervous all day about how this is going to go down if I'm honest.

"Hey, you alright?" he asks.

"Yeah, are you?" I smile brightly at him. He flashes me a weak smile and shrugs. "What's up?"

"Logan hasn't told you?" he frowns.

"Told me what?"

"He hit me" Reece sighs, pointing at the bruise on his face.

"What?!" I gasp, noticing the slight bruise on his cheek, near his nose. I place my hand on it gently, rubbing my thumb over the mark to inspect it further.

Reece lets out another sigh and looks at me in embarrassment.

"Reece, what happened?" I ask again, letting my hand drop. My heart's pounding in fear of what he's going to tell me.

"We went out the other day and I was telling Logan how much I liked you and he just punched me" he shrugs. "Quite a few times actually" he chuckles in embarrassment.

"What the hell? I'm going to kill him" I grind my teeth together. Why the hell would he do that? Why does he care so much that I'm with Reece?

"No, Megan. It's fine" he shakes his head. "We've sorted it"

I can tell he's lying just to keep me from saying anything to Logan.

"No, he can't get away with stuff like that. Look at you!"

"Leave it, Meg. Please" he sighs, placing his hand on my thigh. "Don't give him what he wants"

I let out a heavy sigh and nod against my will... probably because he has his hand on my thigh.


"Thanks" he smiles. "Look, I'm completely fine. It's just a huge misunderstanding. I mean, I understand why he did it"

"You do? I sure don't. He's just looking for someone to take his anger out on" I frown.

"No. He's jealous of us. I think he wants you two to be friends again" he shrugs.

"Well normal people would apologise, not punch their friend"

There's definitely a reason behind Logan doing this but I can't understand why. It makes me think that there's something behind this fight that Reece isn't telling me.

"Anyway, let's not talk about this. You still up for coming to mine?"

"Yeah, course" I force a smile. I'm still so angry at Logan but I've been looking forward to spending time with Reece since Monday so I shouldn't let Logan get in the way of a good time.

When we arrive at Reece's, we immediately go up to his room. What is it with his parents never being home?

"So, what do you want to do?" he smiles up at me as he jumps on his bed. I put down my bag and sit next to him.

"I don't mind" I shrug, glancing around his room for inspiration.

"I have a few ideas" he smirks, leaning in closer to me.

I'm really not in the mood for this. With a sigh, I move backwards slightly and give him an awkward smile.

"Sorry" I sigh. "I'm just not in the mood"

I'm slightly worried he's going to cause a fuss like the last time I turned him down, but I can't go through with this.

"No. I shouldn't have done that" he surprises me by saying. I feel awful now but I just really don't want to kiss him, knowing that he wants things to escalate.

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