'Hate to break it to you but I think I fancy your Pug more'

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"Fallen to sleep in any classes yet?" Logan scares me by asking, slamming his hands down on my shoulders for added effect. I gasp and turn around to slap his arm.

"No, you idiot" I breathe. He rolls his head back in laughter as he joins me and Amelia walking down the corridor together. "What are you doing out of isolation anyway?"

"Thought I'd be a good boy today" he shrugs, smirking down at me. I roll my eyes and turn to Amelia who looks like she's seen a ghost. I've never told her that Logan and I are somewhat friends now so I totally expect this reaction from her.

"What do you want anyway?" I ask, stopping in my tracks and turning to Logan with an eyebrow raised.

"Um, it doesn't matter" he shakes his head uncomfortably, glancing between Amelia and I. I frown in confusion and turn to look at Amelia.

"Is it okay if I just meet you in the canteen?" I ask politely.

"Yeah, sure" she smiles, before catching up with her group further down the corridor.

"What do you want?" I immediately ask as I turn back to Logan.

"Well, it's a bit stupid" he sighs, running his fingers through his brown hair. He's a good looking guy, I'll admit.

"Spit it out, Logan"

"Um, my Mum wants to know if you want to come round on Friday?" he awkwardly asks, looking anywhere but me.

"Yeah, course I would" I smile widely, making him snap his head towards me. I'd love to go to his house.

"Really?" he asks in disbelief.

"Why wouldn't I?" I frown in confusion.

"I don't know" he shrugs.

"You got yourself worked up to ask me that? You should know I'd love to come" I chuckle, deciding to wind him up. He's being too nice to me at the moment.

"I didn't get myself worked up" he huffs.

"I think you've lost your balls, Logan. They're certainly not here" I pull a face, looking around in an attempt to find them.

"Shut the hell up" he growls. There we go, he's back to his normal self.

"Has anybody seen Logan's-"

Before I can even finish the sentence, he slams his hand over my mouth and pushes me into the wall. I burst out laughing against his hand and lick his palm so he removes it.

"You were getting too soft on me" I wink.

"So you like it when I'm mean? Okay, you've asked for it" he smirks and I playfully shove his shoulder.

"Anyway, I better get back. Amelia was on the verge of a heart attack when we left her" I say seriously.

"Right, okay" he nods.

"I'll see you Friday" I smile at him.

"Yep, see you Friday"

I frown at his unusual behaviour before turning around and walking away from him. I'll text him or something tonight. Wait, I don't have his number.

"Logan!" I call from the other end of the corridor, jogging over to him slightly. He strolls over to me and frowns. "Give me your number"

He smirks, pulling a pen out of his blazer and writing his number in the back of the folder I'm holding.

"You couldn't have just put it in my phone?" I ask, raising an eyebrow as I hold my phone out to him.

"Nope, this way you can ring me in emergencies" he tells me, putting the lid back on his pen and shoving it in his pocket.

"How?" I ask in amusement.

"Well imagine if you don't have your phone with you and you're stranded somewhere" he begins. "You can just find the nearest phone box and call me to come and collect you"

"And I just happen to have my French folder with me?" I raise an eyebrow. "You wouldn't collect me anyway"

He shrugs, "You'll thank me for that one day, I bet"

"Okay" I chuckle, turning around and walking away.

I pull my phone back out of my pocket and set up a new contact, typing in Logan's number as we head off in different directions.

I decide to break the ice by texting him the second we part from each other.

Megan: You're acting strange today

I don't have any numbers in my phone besides my Mums'. Cut me some slack. He better be a fast replier and someone that can hold a conversation through text as well. I'm expecting this to be a long term thing.

Logan: I'm exactly the same. Don't know what you're on about

Megan: Okay... look at us, communicating through texts as well. It'll be phone calls next

Logan: That's where I draw the line. You talk too much

I smile down at my phone as I make my way into the canteen and search around for Amelia. I spot her and the rest of her group sat at a table and immediately walk over to them.

"Explain everything!" Amelia gasps as soon as I sit down. The whole group are staring at me expectantly. I've barely even spoke to all these people.

After telling her how Logan and I met and that we're just friends, they all go back to their original conversation before I arrived. I pull out my phone to continue the conversation with Logan.

Megan: But how cute would it be if we start having phone calls until 3am?

Logan: Cute? You're pushing it a bit at 3am. You really would be falling to sleep in class then

Megan: Perhaps a weekend then? ;)

I'm sure he'll have something to say about the wink I just added.

Logan: You're lucky I'm even texting you right now. Talking to you in person's bad enough

Megan: Hey, I have feelings you know?

I actually have a heart of steel so throw whatever insult you have at me.

Logan: yeah, you can give it but you can't take it

I bite my lip to hold back my smile as I think of a witty comeback but he sends another text before I get the chance.

Logan: Smiling at your phone? That's the first sign of falling in love

I snap my eyes up from my phone and look around for him. Where is he and how does he know I'm smiling like an idiot at my phone?

Megan: Get your head out of your ass. You're the one staring at me. Where the hell are you?

Logan: It all makes sense now. That's why you were so keen to get to know me and come to my house on Friday. Aw, does Meggy have a little crush?

I glow red with embarrassment as I read the text over and over. Meggy?!

Megan: Damn, you've sussed me out...

Logan: Knew it. Who can blame you?

Oh god, here we go.

Megan: If your head gets any bigger, it might just explode. Hate to break it to you but I think I fancy your Pug more

Logan: That's messed up man

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