"You owe me sixteen years of rent so I wouldn't push it if I were you"

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It's been a month or so since Reece and I have been dating. He's met my Mum and has been to my house quite a few times.

Our relationship's going pretty well. The only things we argue about are what take-away we should get, or what we should watch on TV. I really like his company, he's funny and so sweet.

I haven't spoken to Logan since our argument and yeah, it's sometimes really awkward in school when he's not in isolation but I'm head over heels for Reece. He's not replacing Logan but he really makes me happy.

He always makes effort to see me and takes me out places whenever I'm bored. He took me to the aquarium the other weekend because I told him Finding Nemo was one of my favourite movies.

"What do you want to do now?" he smiles at me as we make our way back from town.

"Can we go to yours?" I decide to ask.

In the whole month we've been dating, I've never been to Reece's house. I've no idea where he lives, what his parents look like, or even if he has any pets. He keeps his home life pretty quiet, come to think of it.

He frowns, "Why do you want to go to mine? It's boring"

"I don't know. We always go to mine" I shrug and he eventually nods.


His mood change puts me on edge slightly but I sit in silence for the remainder of the journey until we reach the small estate. He lives in a new build; new houses, new roads... Even the grass looks new.

He drives his car up his long driveway and jumps out. I do the same and follow him to his door. His house is no bigger than an average house. Well, it's much bigger than mine but nothing to Logan's for example.

Reece makes his way upstairs so I follow him up like a lapdog. The house is silent so I assume his parents are out.

"So this is my room" he says enthusiastically.

The walls are grey and bare, with only a mirror hung up beside his double bed. His desk takes up most space in the room, as well as his wardrobe which both are black.

"Very nice" I say, an impressed look on my face. I'm not actually that impressed. Couldn't he at least have a poster up?

He chuckles and sits down on his bed.

"Are your parent's home?"

He scoffs, "No"

"Oh" I simply say, wanting to question his behaviour but not wanting to ruin his mood any further than it clearly already is.

I assume he's going to give me an explanation but nothing comes of it. I sit beside him on his bed instead and he pulls me into him, falling back with me on the bed. I let out a slight squeal before relaxing into his chest as he plays with my hair.

"Megan?" he mutters after a few moments silence.


"I like you a lot, you know?" he says. I look up at him and smile.

"Yeah?" I chuckle. "I like you a lot too"

"Good" he smirks, leaning down and placing several kisses on my jaw line and neck. In seconds, he pulls me on top of him and we kiss intimately until he starts to pull off my top.

"Reece, wait" I say, pulling out of the kiss. He frowns in confusion and looks up at me. "Um, I don't think I'm ready for this... just yet"

"Why not?" he gives me a strange look.

"I don't know" I shyly reply. I don't feel right and I feel like Reece wants to take things much further... much further. I don't think I want to have sex with him a month into our relationship. I mean, we have loads of time to do this.

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