"If I lost you then I know they couldn't make me happy like you do"

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I couldn't be any happier going to school today.

If you believe that then you clearly do not know me.

It's Monday morning, I haven't spoken to Logan all weekend, I had a late night last night, and I'm running late for school. I'll probably get to school on time though, I'm not that late.

It gets to 4th period and there's still no sign of Logan. Maybe he still has a freaking hangover from Saturday night. My thoughts are proved wrong when my name is called from the other side of the corridor. Nobody does that except Logan.

I've decided that I'm just going to drop this whole thing with what happened on Saturday. It'll be really hard but I don't want it to ruin our friendship. I'm sure he didn't mean any harm by not inviting me and being with that girl. I'm pushing back any thoughts of what they might've done after the picture was taken. But I'm just going to try really hard not to bring it up to Logan.

"You didn't text me all weekend" he frowns as he approaches me.

"You didn't text me either" I shrug, making my way to my Maths class. "So how was your weekend?" I ask, trying to make conversation. It's only polite to ask and I would've done it anyway even if I hadn't have seen the picture or received that phone call.

Who am I kidding?

He looks at me cautiously before shrugging, "It was alright"

"What did you get up to?"

I'm going to end up bringing it up.

"Nothing really, just stayed in" he mutters, refusing to make eye contact with me.

"Sounds like you had a whale of a time" I raise an eyebrow. He looks down at me before looking away.

"Why are you asking?"

"I'm just making conversation" I hold my hands up in defence.

"Well you're acting strange today" he frowns. "Something you're not telling me?"

"Nope, I'm always like this" I shrug. I hope he knows me well enough to continue questioning my behaviour.

"You sure? We're friends, you know? We can talk"

"Well you have other friends to talk to other than me, right?" I raise my eyebrows at him.



"Scott was on your phone on Saturday"

"How do you know who Scott is?" he snaps his head towards me and frowns in confusion.

"Because he called me"

He groans, "What did he say?"

"He just said you're all drinking"

He groans again, "I'm sorry about that. I should've realised I didn't have my phone"

"Yeah" I nod. Is he going to explain why he lied to me about the party?

"What's up?" he frowns.

"Why didn't you tell me about Saturday? You just said you we're busy"

"Because I was. I just didn't tell you what I was doing" he shrugs.


"Because you don't need to know about every single thing I do" he snaps.

I frown in disappointment. I can't even argue because he's annoyingly right. I don't want to start sounding like his Mum.

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