"Just don't let me come back to find you two on the kitchen counter"

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I set my alarm for 7am because I was that excited for today. It's Saturday meaning I'm going to the theme park with David today and I honestly don't think anything could ruin my mood. Well, unless David cancelled. I don't think I'd ever forgive him.

"Megan, David's here!" Mum calls from downstairs. My eyes widen and I immediately slam my laptop shut, grab my coat, and run downstairs.

"Hey" he chuckles. "Are you ready?"

"She has been for the past two hours" Mum mutters and I roll my eyes.

"Let's go" I smile. "Are we going in your car?"

"Of course" he tells me, handing me the keys. "Be getting in the car, I just need to talk to your Mum for a second"

I roll my eyes and take the keys off him. I'm surprised he actually trusts me with these.

After sending a selfie to Logan of me in the car, David comes out of the house, waving goodbye to my Mum.

"Your curfew's eight o'clock" he says as he gets into the car.

"I don't really think she cares"

"I'm only following orders" he raises his hands in defence. I hand him the keys and he starts the engine. "Right, how long do you think it'll take us to get there?"

"Hmm, half an hour" I shrug.

He squints in concentration, "I'm gonna go with twenty minutes. We might have to go past the speed limit"

My smile brightens at this and I immediately pull out my phone to time him.

Okay, Mum's chose a good one.

We arrive at the park in 20 minutes exactly. I was polite and knocked off the time it took for him to find a parking space because the place is heaped with people. He'd have to pull some GTA stunt to get past all the people, which would probably get him locked up.

We get into the queue for wristbands and I cross my arms impatiently.

"This is taking forever" I huff, hearing all the screams in the background as I get increasingly jealous.

"You're not a very patient person are you? We'll just have to chat" he smirks and I roll my eyes. "You should've invited Logan today"

"Thought this was bonding time?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah but he could've tagged along. You two get on really well" he smirks.

"What are you trying to suggest?" I huff. If he mentions anything about us being in a relationship, I'm going to have to get handcuffed to the roller coasters because I won't hesitate to push David off.

"You'd make a good-"

"Stop right there or I'll push you off a ride!" I snap, signalling for him to stop with my hands.

"Ok, we're definitely getting fast track wristbands" he shakes his head in amusement. "Either that or I'll have to buy myself a bottle of vodka. I need a buzz to get me through today"

"Hey!" I tease, slapping his arm playfully.

David buys the wristbands and before we know it, we're at the top of the tallest ride there.

"This is the tallest roller coaster in Europe" I smirk as we get higher and higher up the ride. David looks like he's about to pass out. To be fair, I think it's only because I made him sit at the front with me.

"Megan, stop!" he groans.

"Would be a nightmare if it broke" I shrug. "Have you watched Final Destination?"

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