"Logan's not my boyfriend! I'm way out of his league"

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"Megan, it's only me" Mum calls through the house.

It's 10pm and she's just come back from her 'date' with David. I've spent the majority of the night watching videos on YouTube, pampering myself and painting my nails whilst watching Coronation Street. I'm an excellent multitasker.

"Megan?" she calls again and I hear her footsteps making their way upstairs.

"I'm in my room" I call back, seconds before she enters.

She looks amazing. I didn't bother to see how she looked before she went on her date because I'm a moody cow, but she looks flawless. Her hair's curled and she has a beautiful white midi dress on with her white heels. She's holding a black clutch bag and has soft, natural make-up on.

"Sorry I'm a bit late" she smiles, sitting down on the bed next to me.

"It's fine" I mutter.

"You look nice, what have you been up to?" she asks, taking in my appearance.

"Just watching videos and doing my make-up" I shrug. "I got bored"

"Oh cool. Is that my new nail varnish" she gasps, grabbing my hand and bringing it closer to her face so she can see it. "You little thief! I spent a tenner on that. I at least expected to be the first person to use it!"

I start laughing, knowing she's used to me robbing all of her stuff.

"I know you and Logan aren't on good terms but you could've invited Reece over, love" she frowns sympathetically. Yeah, she made me explain the whole Logan situation to her back in the office when I was explaining why I left school.

"Reece and I broke up"

"What? When?" she gasps.

"Last Wednesday. That's why I went to your office" I mutter, picking at my duvet.

"Megan, I'm so sorry" she sighs. "I thought you just came to wind me up because I told you not to"

I shake my head, "He texted me telling me it's over"

"Oh Megan" she huffs, pulling me into her. I wrap my arms around her and smile slightly. God, I've missed this. "I'm sorry, I didn't even think to ask why you came"

"No" I shrug. "I have been ignoring you for a week"

"Yeah, that's true" she rolls her eyes and I chuckle when she pulls out of the hug. She sighs, "Why have you been ignoring me, Meg? I expected you to be angry and upset but I didn't expect this"

"I don't know, I just didn't want to talk about it" I briefly explain.

"Megan, if you're unhappy with all of this, you know I'll end it straight away. That's all I want to talk to you about. I need to know if you're ever actually going to adjust to this. I mean, obviously I'd want you to meet David and stuff before you decide that I have to be single forever-"

"Mum, don't be stupid. You can have a boyfriend when I move out" I smile sarcastically and she slaps my arm teasingly.

"All I want to say is if you're really unhappy about this, I can end it. But I need you to meet David first" she tells me seriously.

I'd never want her to end things with David because of me. Besides, I like him.

Yeah, you read correctly. I think David's great so far.

"I've already met him, Mum"

"I know but not properly. Maybe spend the day with him. I could invite him over and you could bring Logan and-"

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