secretly best friends??

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Happy Birthday to Bakugo!!!💥💥

Bakugo & Midoriya. It's time we unlock their past.

Obviously their past is confusing, going from the best of friends to bakugo trying to kill midoriya. Having a drastic change happen so quickly often means that other things take a moment to recover before changing as well so I believe that Bakugo and Midoriya both have complete and utter trust in each other even if they don't realise. (I haven't seen heroes rising but I know some stuff happens that prove they trust each other kinda but please no spoilers)

From what we know Midoriya & Bakugo were inseparable as little children. Each others best friend getting to the point where their mothers would also be close. It all stopped when Bakugo first got his quirk.

He manifested his quirk early and it was an impressive one which caused others to boost his ego substantially. Midoriya however didn't get a a quirk but still followed Bakugo around and marvelled at everything he did. This probably caused his ego to grow even more as his best friend was basically worshipping him.

Bakugo would have noticed over time how not everyone thought he was the best. As a young child he wouldn't understand why but realised that he could hurt people and then they would realise he was stronger. Bullying Midoriya was the easiest since he was quirkless, also the fact that over time he would ask bakugo to stop hurting another child and hurt him instead.

This is probably when bakugo subconsciously realised that Midoriya was like All Might, their shared idol, also looking out and fighting for others when they can't do anything. So he set out to diminish that spark.

Midoriya however continued to strive to achieve his dream no matter what anyone said. He even started to look up to Bakugo more, like he was All Might. In fact he takes up most of Midoriya's first hero notes notebook.

So, Bakugo bullies Midoriya but for some crazy reason Midoriya stays strong. Barely 2 hours since Bakugo told Midoriya to kill himself (if you are having these thoughts please talk to me I can try and make you feel less sad. I love you guys so I want you to love yourselves) Midoriya risks his life to save Bakugo when the pros just watch. Maybe it's around this time Bakugo fully comes to terms with the fact that he is weaker yet he can't let others see it so his anger grows.

Most people do think Bakugo is slightly weaker for being attacked and not fighting it off. (he's not, he's so strong and perfect💕 they would have died) but Midoriya views him as stronger.

Of course this is mostly because he had undergone the same attack and was saved by All Might. He knows how terrible it is. But seeing Bakugo continue to fight back after 20 minutes or so causes him to think he is the strongest.

Midoriya already kinda thought that but 🤷🏼‍♀ don't we all? So if midoriya thinks he's the strongest he'll obviously put his life in bakugos hands. And for bakugo that day all just refreshed bakugo on how brave midoriya is. Why wouldn't he continue to trust the one person that never left his side since they were babies.

thanks for reading. It's short, confusing and all over the place so I understand if you don't get it. Please vote if you do so I know I'm not rambling too much and boring you.  Stay safe my bros 😄

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